David S Bernstein
David S Bernstein
P O Box 2018
Teaneck NJ 07666-2018
Teaneck NJ 07666-2018
COMPLETED: Sunday, October Twenty-Second, 1989
ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT: ©Anami Lok Creations 10/89 Evan Christopher Kane author (Pseudonym for David S Bernstein)
In service to all of humanity.
This book is lovingly dedicated with appreciation and gratitude to: Yerba, Dromba, Seffia, and all the people of PLURBY who helped make it a reality.
You now stand on the shores of your own personal, greatest, most fantastic journey — one from whence you return you shall never again be the same in this physical life. Come on a journey with me across the veil of forever to a fabulous world of imaginative reality!
All of what we can know, or will know, does not, nor will ever, exist in the written form. There is a vast storehouse of truth, wisdom and freedom at our disposal, and within the grasp of any person. Some spend a lifetime trying to gather useless information; others, much time in gaining knowledge by application of that information and study of the results. Some, seek wisdom in all its many forms.
This is a book about a journey, not unique in itself, rather unique to the author. It is a journey into the deepest parts of my being; a record of a journey to gain wisdom from the other side — from the unseen dimensions that exist around us and within us. This is a dimension we all have direct access to, though few find the keys that unlock the door to enter into this realm of limitless wisdom, where all things can be known!!!
This is a true account, as true as any subjective account of a personal experience can be. You may accept it on faith, or dismiss it as fantasy. You may also prove it to yourself by seeking within the text, reading between the lines, as it were, to discover the keys that can afford you the same opportunity to explore your own inner worlds.
THE GIFTS OF PLURBY™ is the second piece of a trilogy about PLURBY™. It is a continuation and enhancement of PLURBY™ — THE ETERNAL GAME OF FREEDOM™, which the author helped bring into the physical, from the worlds of inner reality. It is a game that is a personal gift from PLURBY, an ancient, mystical and mythical kingdom that existed during the time of the ancient civilization of Atlantis, and still exists today, just across the veil of forever, in the land of imaginative reality!!!
You are always free to accept or reject anything you read in this book, however, you are asked to read with an open mind, and an open heart — reserving any judgement, even beyond the final page; for when you arrive at the end of the book, you have only just reached the beginning; the very approach to the doorway of your own inner worlds.
Originally, the reality of PLURBY came to me in the form of a physical game, which I realized was a hologram: a vision or impression that is a piece of something, and which, of itself, embodies the essence of the whole from whence it comes.
If you would also like to “EXPERIENCE” PLURBY™ in the form of THE ETERNAL GAME OF FREEDOM™ in addition to this book, you may inquire about it by writing to the receiver, whose address is at the end of this book. The PLURBY™ EXPERIENCE™ is an attempt to awaken the eternal dreamer within each of us, to seek the inner realities that exist within us, ALWAYS!
Some may say this is pure fantasy, others may become too attached to PLURBY™, and use it as an escape from their own true reality. The middle road of acceptance-with-doubt is, perhaps, the more balanced pathway to follow in your quest for understanding that is the true GIFT OF PLURBY™.
Set as an island kingdom, or “principality”, off the coast of the continent of Atlantis, PLURBY™, while large in size, stretching a thousand miles the length and breadth, has only a small population of just over a hundred thousand people living there.
The name PLURBY™ is trademarked and copyrighted so as to reserve exclusive use by the author and his agents. This modern-day necessity should not diminish the value of what you may learn or discover, nor cloud your vision by planting artificial obstacles in your mind.
PLURBY™, as an EXPERIENCE, is a state of being that you can CREATE, if you wish, whenever you desire to do so. It is through this EXPERIENCE, or state of being, that you can use the keys to open the doors and tap into your own inner worlds, and gain the true insight from within that we all can attain.
I wish you only one thing in your PLURBY™ adventure — EXPERIENCE PLURBY™ with an open mind and an open heart, having no preconceived or prejudged notions or conclusions about what you think, feel, or believe, PLURBY™ may or may not be.
Treat this book as both a delightful story and a deeply inspirational guide to cross the veil of forever and enter YOUR own world of PLURBY™.
- Part One -
- Part One -
“All life is a metaphor. Words are but crude representations of the symbols they try to describe. And in time you will come to know in full consciousness, all that we have taught you here, in the inner sanctums of our world. And at the proper moment in eternity, after you have been adequately trained and prepared, only then will you be able to understand your mission, and present the true Gifts of PLURBY to your modern day world.”
* * *
I awoke from this dream shaken, sweating — but could only recall a small part of it. The words — “YOUR MISSION” hung in my consciousness for several days. People I came in contact with must surely have thought I was crazy as I muttered to myself throughout the day — “My mission, my mission” in a feeble attempt to discover the true inner meaning of these two words.
Suddenly, Brrring. The alarm sounded and I was thrust back into my body at lightning speed. I awoke with a headache — another day of work about to begin. I hadn’t yet learned the finer points of returning gently to the physical body from my Soul Travel ventures — or even how to consciously remember my dreams upon awakening. The memory of the secrets of the universe were wiped from my conscious mind! It would be months before I could again begin to recall this priceless wisdom I had received from the Masters of some mystical, far-off kingdom.
* * *
It was 06:07. I had time, though. The alarm rang two more times, once at 06:16 and again at 06:25. I was really out of it. I slipped back into my reverie, not yet willing to shed the mist of sleep and dreams to awaken, even partially, into the so-called world of reality —the waking state. A third ring at 06:34 summoned the final call. After this — I was on my own.
I rolled out of bed, drearily dragging myself into the bathroom to perform my daily routine, preparing my physical body so that it could be somewhat presentable to those fellow human beings I come in contact with Monday through Friday.
I was presently earning my living as a computer programmer, a very mental job — and one that I could lose myself in during the hours I was held hostage during the week. I really didn’t like my job, and I guess I wasn’t very different from others — since most of the people I worked with also didn’t like their jobs. I wanted MORE from life. I wanted to earn my living as a writer, and in a few other creative areas as well.
It seems I have always been a writer, of sorts, but it was only in the last few years that I had begun to take it seriously, and the inner urges to write became almost overwhelming.
I have had probably 30 different jobs in my lifetime, and until recently I couldn’t even begin to understand why. My resume looks like a bingo card, showing no consistency of either career type or job length. I have visited in many different professions from fast food management, to nursing, massage, and even real estate. I also spent 18 months with the postal service, six weeks in the US Army and Two weeks in the US Navy. OH, and I also spent a few years in what I laughingly refer to, in hindsight, as selling or “sharing” useful products with other to elicit money from them.
I never made any money in jobs that were sales-oriented. Somehow I always felt I was begging for money from others, trying to sell them something they really didn’t want, or need. I had to create that need. And, I was not to “sell” anything, merely “share” with them the value of the product I was hawking.
Maybe I shouldn’t say I “spent” time here and there, for, as I later came to understand, it was more like “investing” my energies for some later experience, of which I had no knowledge as I was going through life. I was unable to see the significances of all these varied job experiences.
So it was, as I prepared myself for work, this day was unlike many of the thousands that had come before it. I was in this particular profession for over two years, and had held this job for just about a year. This was beginning to be a record; my friends would joke about how long I was able to stay at this particular job. Actually, at the one year mark it would STILL be the fifth longest job I ever had. My life had been quite checkered, to say the least!
I spent my usual twenty minutes in the bathroom, ran downstairs to gather my foods for the day, hopped in the car, stopped off at the post office to pick up my mail then drove to work. It was a rather long drive, 30 miles, whichever of two ways I drove to get there. Not an unpleasant ride, though. I usually took the scenic highway up and back. This allowed my mind to clear, somewhat, and not focus on anything in particular.
I never listened to the radio, because my new/old car only had an AM radio, so I became accustomed to silence — at least from the radio. Some days my mind would go a mile a minute, and I could hardly slow it down. Other days, I would talk out loud, almost as if I expected someone to answer.
My daily routine continued, being broken up only by the weekends. I would wake up, go to work, come home, do a few things, then go to sleep so I could wake up again to begin the cycle one more time. On weekends I generally slept until 08:00 or so; not much longer. But I had become adjusted to this day routine, even though I was really a night person by biological cycle and personal choice.
About two weeks went by and some pretty weird things began happening to me. Weird even for ME! I had always had an inner desire to search. I was into many different spiritual pathways, particularly those of the eastern types — favouring reincarnation and karma, concepts I came to accept very naturally even before I was ten years old!
Nothing in my prior studies, in this life, could have prepared me for what was to begin to happen to me during the next few months!
* * *
It was a day like many others. Summer, I believe. Yes, it was summer. I remember because it was really hot, and I had to use the air conditioner in the car.
I always spend too much of my time in “fantasy land”, or “dream world”, as my relatives are so often quick to assess. Still, there is a solidness about me, a regularity. Somehow, with all my questionings, and almost lust for truth, sometimes I think I am more balanced than most of those I have come in contact with throughout my life.
I was twelve years old when I first started delving into the arcane mysteries of life. I remember having cried myself to sleep on many nights searching for the answers to life. I never seemed to fit in; anywhere! I had few friends, and just never conformed to the society around me.
As I prepared for the sleep period, this night, Rex, my dog, seemed uneasy. He paced the room and whimpered, as if expecting something to happen, but unaware of just what it might be.
“Now, Rex, don’t worry. Everything is okay. Just relax.” My words were mute to his concern and awareness of something other-worldly. I took it as just “animal” idiosyncrasy. I ran from the bathroom and jumped into my large king-sized bed. Rex usually slept by my side on the floor. This night, however, he continued to pace and whimper, but I was too tired to worry about him. I said my good-nights, and drifted off into a deep, restful sleep.
* * *
The hour was about ONE A. M. Not twenty minutes later, I was suddenly awakened by the loud barking of my trusted companion, and guard, Rex. This was not the bark of fear, or impending danger, but the bark of, “Attention, something is about to happen.” I sat up in bed. Suddenly, the room was aglow with some form of brilliant yellowish/white light. It hurt my eyes to look at it, and I covered them with my hands until they became adjusted. Had I left all the lights on in the room? It wasn’t my usual thing to forget to turn them out.
Slowly, I opened my eyes fully, as my pupils became more accustomed to the brilliance. There, in the far corner of the room, stood a figure, a beingness, an entity of some kind; or so I thought. It appeared to be a mass of glowing, pulsing light. I froze in my bed, unable to move, yet entirely too intrigued by this imposition of my personal space. The orb moved closer to my bed, and I just sat there, motionless — not really frightened.
Rex had quieted down, as if he somehow recognized the form. I felt no fear in him at all, as the unfamiliar life-form approached. Somehow, it seemed larger than life. Perhaps ten or twelve feet tall, barely touching the high ceiling in my bedroom. After a brief moment, the being spoke, or so I thought. I perceived words, or were they thought-forms? being impressed on my brain. There was no logical reason, no sound at all seemed to emit from the being who had so seemingly uninvitedly intruded into my life.
“I am Yerba. I have come to you from the Ancient Land of PLURBY. You are the chosen one to hear my words.”
“What the ______” I thought. This stuff only happens in the movies, not in “real” life. I was sure this was just a dream of some sort — a figment of my imagination. “Fantasy often becomes reality when we believe it to be so!” I heard a still, small voice within me utter. I have always had a very active dream life, and surely this was just one of those animated experiences. Maybe I’d even write a little story about this one, I thought to myself. I couldn’t even have mentally conceived what was about to happen to me!
“I have come in response to your request to know the secrets of the universe, and the meaning of your personal life here. You have been chosen, along with a handful of others around the world, to hear our story. Your most modern advanced technologies cannot even come close to perceiving our presence, though we exist in a parallel universe. Your minds cannot even conceive of our existence. I have come to grant you an invitation to come to our land so that you may learn the necessary information with which to carry out your mission.
“You are a chosen one,” he continued. “Your divine mission is to find the Sacred and Holy PRIMAD crystal, hidden somewhere deep within our kingdom.”
“What? Where do I look for this crystal thing?” I heard myself think in response to his statement.
“In time all the pieces you need will unfold for you — be patient and aware. Listen to the voices that speak to you both inwardly and outwardly. Delve deeply into your being to discover that which already exists within you.”
I knew this must have been a dream, a fantasy — because I had never heard of this place called PLURBY, or this guy named YERBA, and certainly I had never heard of a PRIMAD, or any crystal, for that matter. Yet something deep within me knew that PLURBY was not just a fantasy — some mythical kingdom created by my own inner desires. It was a very REAL place!
“Hurry — there is not a moment to delay! You can allow nothing to distract you from your mission!”
* * *
I courted with many paths in my search for truth, wisdom and freedom. At age 12 there was yoga. At 18 there was Transcendental Meditation, and at 19 I thought I had found the ultimate — AMORC — Ancient Mystic Order Rosa Crucia, commonly known as the Rosicrucians. But these paths, and dozens of others I’ve even forgotten, were merely preparatory stepping stones to a higher path — the ultimate path to reach my goal!
It would be several more years before this highest path would be revealed to me. In the meanwhile, I continued my inner, private search for the meaning of life — for the meaning of MY life.
I thought I was making good “progress” and was always prepared for the next step. Little did I know the next step would be to cross a deep, wide gorge, in the inner worlds; wider even than the Grand Canyon is in the physical outer world.
Through all my days and nights the search continued. Where was truth? Who could tell me — who could show me? I could not have foreseen that I was being prepared to undertake the greatest journey of my life — a journey to find the three greatest Spiritual jewels — Truth, Wisdom and Freedom.
Glimpses — shadows — fragments of some distant lives. MY distant lives, I would come to discover, constantly flashed before my vision — but I was unable to make anything of these pieces — the puzzle was not yet assembled. I couldn’t see the whole picture, just yet.
With that, the light dimmed, suddenly, and I heard Rex whimpering again. I was totally confused, and dumbfounded. What had just happened? My mind was unable to comprehend what I thought had just transpired. Was it reality? Only time would tell.
I remembered something that one of my Spiritual Masters had once said, “reality is something you’ll have to decide for yourself.” I figured this was just a dream — a hologram of an over-active imagination. I lived mostly in the “other” worlds of imagination most of the time, anyway. Why not?
It seemed a logical explanation, and one that set fine with my incisive mind. People who don’t live in the same intellectual level that I do, have no idea how fortunate they are. In more instances than not, my intellectual level proved to be a pain in the butt. Too analytical, too questioning — always seeking answers to an unending stream of seemingly useless questions the mind had to ask.
The more emotional persons I had met were generally able to be more understanding and accepting, less inquisitive. Fortunately, my studies into the spiritual side of life had helped somewhat balance the two, and my imaginative powers had evolved past my mental powers. Often, I could imagine things that my mind was unable to accept. Perhaps this was just one such occasion.
I went to work and when I arrived home, I decided to begin my periodic transcribing of tapes I kept with dreams on them.
This is a practice I had begun some years ago. I would wake up during the night, and rather than write down my dreams, since I have a particularly horrendous handwriting, I would record them on a tape recorder. Usually, I was somewhat surprised to hear the dreams I had recorded, although few of them were striking in form.
It was a Friday, and I decided that now I would transcribe the dream tape from about the last month or so. The first few weeks were dreams of the usual kind — usual for me, that is. Dreams of being with friends, having some sexual encounters, travelling — nothing particularly special.
Then I began to hear things on the tape that almost frightened me. I could barely believe it was me talking —the things I heard were so incredible to me. I began my transcription:
“And I heard him say, ‘You have been chosen from among a select number of people to fulfill a particular mission. You have a valuable message to bring out to the world. Each chosen person will present this message, or part of it, in a different and unique way, since each of you are as different as night and day.’ “
I paused at the typewriter, wondering what this strange dream was. I didn’t have any recall of recording it, nor did it ring any particular chord of truth within me. But yes, when I thought the word truth, that’s when something clicked. I wanted to know more, but there was nothing else on the tape. All I could bring to my conscious awareness was the phrase: “in time you will come to know.”
Highly intrigued by this nagging phrase: “in time you will come to know”, I wanted to know more of what was going on. I wanted to know NOW what it was I would come to know. But the waking state intruded on my fantasy world, and I soon became involved in my daily chores of laundry, cleaning, eating, and watching some television. I also read quite a lot, so my “overwhelming desire” to find out what it was I would come to know became overshadowed by other, seemingly more “important”, certainly more immediate tasks that needed tending.
* * *
Not a week went by. It was a Wednesday night. I was awakened at about three o’clock in the morning. I had had a striking dream that shook me to the core. I was perspiring, and thought I should have felt fear, but instead I had this pleasant feeling that something wonderful had been experienced in this particular dream. Why I was perspiring was not immediately apparent.
Try as I might, I couldn’t recall the dream. I was frustrated, and remembered uttering a few choice obscenities. Maybe I forgot. Maybe I’d never know. Maybe it was all a game of some kind, a mind trick. That’s it, just a mind trick. Nothing could come of it.
Then the words: “there, you have it” popped into my mind, and it was as if a doorway opened into another world. Being a bold and adventuresome individual I stepped through that doorway. My life has never been the same!
* * *
I came to know, in the ensuing months, that I had been visiting PLURBY for nearly two years. And although I had no conscious recollection, there were changes going on in my outer life, as a result of having visited PLURBY and as a result of having learned many new things there. Although I did not know where these things came from, my outer life, as well as inner life, was already changing.
I was living simultaneously in two parallel universes. Only NOW I’m conscious of it, and that makes it much more real. The reason I was not aware of it before, was that I was not ready for it. I wasn’t ready to know that I had been going to this place for nearly two years; and other places as well.
“And so, from time to time through the ages, we come to re-infuse the knowledge that has been lost through change. The knowledge of our true being, our true essence, often gets clouded over duration, so it is necessary to re-infuse some special seeds to re-enlighten a society to again help them become aware of that which already exists within us.
“Remember — ‘There is nothing new under the sun!’ is one of the few really accurate truisms — a trite statement of fact, though it might have been more accurate to say — ‘All things exist’ and that ‘original‘ work is an individual interpretation of what already exists’.
“To say we create anything by ourselves, is a myth. To lay claim to something an untruth. More likely, as individual units of perfection we may hone our beingness to pull from the universal bank things that may be uniquely expressed or configured only through us as an individual vehicle for expression and manifestation.
“Perhaps as we improve our own skills and tools and as we, of ourselves, become more enlightened — more aware, more developed and expanded in consciousness, we become more adept at this action of seeming creation — or reality, interpretation and presentation.
“Come with me on a journey of beauty and splendor. There is much to learn. Have faith and trust. Look within yourself for you know these words are truth!”
* * *
This was all so utterly fantastic! But I thought, why not humor the guy. After all — It’s only a dream!
In the next instant I was conscious of being in a splendorous city in some far-off kingdom. “Welcome to PLURBY,” he said. “This is CENTRIA, the central city of our civilization. Let me show you around.”
The fragrance of flowers was overwhelming — odors I had never smelled before. Colors of flowers only dreamed of. Some of the strangest shapes I had ever seen — all were magnificent in their efforts to shine forth the simple beauty of nature. The sound of birds was almost deafening to my ear.
“Ah, yes — the mating season, when all of life perks up to begin the creative cycle anew! My favorite time of year. Can you feel the electricity in the air!”
I had to agree, I felt alive; more alive than I had ever been in my drab and dreary physical life. Several small animals ran past my feet and it was then my attention was drawn to the alabaster roadway we were walking on. The light reflecting off the surface was nearly blinding to my eyes.
“This is the GREATWAY — it’s part of a remarkable road system network that runs throughout our whole island. We measure about a thousand miles across in any direction, so you can see, this is no small place. We are divided into seven major cities, including the central City of CENTRIA, which is where we shall begin our journey.
“The six other cities lie in two rings — three cities are located in the middle ring which lies closest to CENTRIA, and the other three cities are located in the outer ring, or outer perimeter, which lies furthest from CENTRIA. The inner ring is about 150 miles wide and the outer ring is roughly 200 miles wide, which makes our central city about 300 miles in diameter — no small city for its 30,000 inhabitants. You can see there is certainly plenty of space for each individual in the land.
“Pay careful attention to detail, so that you may write about us. Others will come for the knowledge they can get here — now that they will know of us through your writings!”
Sometimes I wondered if I was really the seeker — or if I was just being sought after for some reason. Hustled, if you will. Still, I had this feeling deep within me, that I could trust this guy. That I SHOULD trust him!
“You cannot know with any degree of certainty, what lies deep within the heart of another. It is as much a mystery to you as is your own inner beingness. There are no words that can truly characterize the essence of a person’s being. Life can be no more or less than it is in this present moment.”
I wondered how it was that they spoke English here. Yerba picked up my thoughts.
“Actually, we don’t speak English, but a language called GRANA. It is the predecessor of your most ancient tongues, especially those known as dead languages — those no longer spoken on the planet.
“Our language is more primitive, that is, closer to its creative essence in that each word is a symbol of something. We use less words to describe and communicate because of the consciousness of the language, and the perceptiveness of the people.
“While your present-day English may have 150,000 words or so, we have only about 12,000 yet our words are very powerful. Each uttered sound is sacred. Words have spiritual significance and to waste words is like wasting any resource.
“We also communicate by emotions and thought-forms or pictures. This is often a more accurate way to convey something to another. We refer to these thought-forms as holograms or facscimile-engrams.
“How can one accurately and adequately describe with words the visual beauty of a sunset, the audible joy of music or the glowing feeling of love?
“Special holograms may be perceived by another from mind-to-mind. But this is a special kind of perception. It is the same kind of thing as when you do a creative visualization exercise or contemplation. You receive, or actively seek, holographic impressions or facsimiles — or energy bits, that have recorded on them the scenes of various kinds.
“Each scene already has imbued within it all the words, thoughts, feelings, fragrances and visuals inherent in the scene. Therefore, you have the ability to tap into a vast storehouse of facsimile-holograms and experience truly, anything you desire.
“As you become more adept at this you will be able to not only see and hear and feel in your imagination but actually smell and physically be IN that situation. This is the physical expression, or fulfillment, of any goal or desire.
“Why should a scene you hold to be true in imagination be any less valid than one you believe you have experienced in the physical, waking state? You’ll find your sleeping dreams and imaginative visions are actually more real to you than you previously thought.
“As an example of our language, the verbal phrase: LU-A WAY-HE, which would be the pronunciation in English, would roughly mean: ‘The sunset is radiant this evening as the orange ball melts slowly into the ocean.’
“You can see our words are brief, yet they convey a vast number of English words. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to tell you in words what would also have been conveyed along with the words — in the inner; the thought-forms, emotional feelings, fragrances, etc. All this is conveyed in the facsimile-hologram conveyed at the instant of the verbalizing of the words.
“Here, let me see if I can say the words again, in our native GRANA and convey to you at the same time the facsimile-hologram that goes along with it.”
I closed my eyes, and in an instant, I was transported. I found myself on a beach, with white sand. I could smell the ocean, hear the waves and the sea gulls. The weather was warm, but not hot. It was evening. The sun was setting, and I could see the large orange ball setting as if dissolving into the ocean. I smelled beautiful fragrances I am unable to describe, for I have not smelled them before in my waking life.
“All that from two words!!! That’s amazing!!!” I said.
“Well, there are many more amazing things for you to discover. Are you ready to continue?” The question was unnecessary.
“Bring down into the physical arena of experience only those already-present experiences you want to have in the physical. Play out your life as YOU want to, not as the mass consciousness has seen fit to bestow upon you.
“Come now, let us show you some techniques to accomplish this truly simple task. I say truly because you already have within you all the tools to accomplish these. You just need someone to help you find the key to open the door. All things that HAVE been or ever WILL be already ARE! You have only to listen and delve into the silence that provides all you need.”
My feet were already in motion as we almost glided back into CENTRIA, for an afternoon of insight.
* * *
Always there is the seeker — the eternal observer and participant of life; Soul’s journey on the Eternal endless highway back to AHO — The Almighty High One. But how did I know this? Had I always been the seeker? Yes! came the answer from deep within my being.
I had always been the seeker. Always seeking money, fame, power, love, attention, recognition, glory, sense-gratification, and all those tricks set up by some unknown force, creating a vast web of illusion. Now I had finally reached the juncture point. Not just in THIS life, as I realized, but in ALL of my eternal struggles to total awareness of who and what I really am!
There was always the inner knowingness that life was more than it seemed. Not so much that it is more than it is in this very moment, but that this moment is more than it appears to be! The illusions of the lower worlds are what make it seem so frivolous; so unimportant, and the journey so overbearing — why even bother to try at all!
Each must go the journey alone, when the moment of realization comes and the conscious decision is made, of our own free will, to make this journey. It is the journey back to our own beingness. A journey of personal, individual self-discovery. It is a lonely journey — those that assist are usually not of the physical.
It was hard for me. Why had I made it so difficult? What was my reason for being here at all? Why had I come back into this physical life, at this point in eternity? There are no accidents, no coincidences. All follows out the Divine Plan set into motion by the individual, in ages past.
All actions lead the seeker back to the source of all beingness. It is a slow, arduous journey. Every inch along the way must be constantly won and re-won, everyday, every moment! The tests come from all directions, even when asleep.
Why even write about it? I wondered. The answer came to me — through the inner channels — “because each person needs a different set of experiences, words, sounds or impressions to strike that individual’s special chord that awakens the sleeping divinity within them. Those that are able to have experiences of the inner worlds and express them in the outer, physical worlds, must do so, whether it is through music, dance, acting, painting, writing, or any other form of expression that can cause another to pause and say — ‘Yes, this touches my very heart center. This is truth! I am awakened within.’ “
* * *
And so it is that I begin this journey and bring back, to express in the written word, the wonders I have seen. These wonders may not be as splendid as those more gifted artists are able to convey, but for me they are real images, real experiences that happened to me. Not of the physical, in the one sense, but of another kind of physical dimension. A kind of dimension one might call super-physical, or supra-physical, depending on where you place the experience.
My outer studies had taken me quite far, I thought, in trying to understand the allness of life. How naive I was to believe I was so knowledgeable, yet how simple it all was, anyway.
“The secrets of the universe,” Yerba began, “may be experienced by all those who desire to know truth. There is much to learn, yet as complex as the mind tries to make it, to appease itself, it is really very simple, though literally billions of words have been written about it. Millions of paintings have been painted.
“All try to express the truths of AHO, the Highest Consciousness, in one way or another. Some are more adept at it than others. The only way to judge, or rather, assess, whether someone has been successful in this attempt, if we must judge, is to say that anything that touches our heart center, and becomes truth to us, IS truth to us!
“Truth is one, though all may perceive it in a different way. The physical worlds are full of many wondrous things, though even the best the physical has to offer pales in comparison to the glories of the inner worlds. Even the lower worlds, as grand as they seem when compared to the physical, cannot even begin to match the glories one can experience in the high realms of AHO.
“We come back to the physical time and time again experiencing it from many different perspectives. As a male, then as a female. As a rich person, then in poverty. As a Black person, then as an Oriental, Caucasian, Hispanic, or the many other races on the planet. And the cycles and combinations repeat themselves until you cannot even remember a fraction of the experiences.
“All is recorded in the great inner records of the individual. As we are reincarnated into each life, a veil is dropped over virtually all past experiences, closing them off from the present, allowing us to live this one life with attention solely on it.
“Impressions slowly drift into the consciousness of times past. Memories of the bits and pieces of the billions of experiences we each have slip through the veil of the mind, and we begin to recall things we aren’t sure we have experienced in the present lifetime in which we are living.
“To many this is frightening. Some feel they are losing their minds. For the most part, they aren’t. Sometimes, though, there are cases where the mind is chemically imbalanced, and there are true psychiatric problems. All-too-often, though, what one is experiencing is just the bleeding through of events of some bygone lifetime. Each lifetime is but a portion of the whole — things are what you believe them to be!
“Reincarnation should not be so strange a concept anymore, as so many people have begun to understand and accept its reality as a certainty in their lives. Reincarnation simply means the coming back, time and again, into the lower worlds. One can be re-incarnated into any of the lower realms.
“These lower realms we refer to are those that are below the high worlds of AHO, the Highest Consciousness, or God, if you will. The lower worlds are those of the emotions, the mind and the sub-conscious. These are the areas we travel in for what seems like eternity, working out our problems, trying to gain some understanding and insights into our own natures, and constantly trying to balance the books — to understand and pay our karmic debts.
“Karma — now THERE’S a word that has caused so much confusion among people who don’t know what it is at ALL. Not only confusion, but misconception. In its simplest form we may think of karma as a system of credits and debits. That is, for everything you do you get some kind of credit.
“I don’t like to use the words good and bad, but let’s just say that each action has a plus or a minus attached to it. The plus or minus could be positive or negative, it really doesn’t matter. There’s also a neutral value, but we’ll discuss that at some other moment.
“Anyway, we have this sort of bank account that adds or subtracts all the points that are put into it. If we do something nice for someone, with good intentions in our heart, we may get ten points positive. If we hit someone in anger we may get 15 points negative. Then, from these two actions we would have a negative value of 5 points. This negative would be a debt that we had to repay.
“When we left the physical world, we would generally have to return at some point to try and balance out these books. If we have too many points in the positive we may still have to come back, not to be thought of as a punishment, but because we still have a debt that must be repaid.
“We must change the thinking process here, because whether negative or positive, any balance that is not zero is a debt incurred. And each debt must be repaid. Now, let’s say you have created a lot of ‘karma’, if you will, with another person. That is, you interacted with another person in the physical and you had a lot of points racked up.
“Maybe you did many harsh things to this person, and when you finally crossed over (died) and came back here, you still had this negative amount of points, or karma, to deal with. At some point in the following lifetime, if you were aware enough, and had begun to become an enlightened person, you would begin to work off this karmic debt.
“It’s not likely you would always work out all the karmic debts you had incurred with the exact beings you had incurred the debts with, rather, in a more universal way you would work things out. This is because of a particular way of viewing events that occur in your life.
“All exists for the seeker. All events are for you, the individual. You should begin to view the world in this way, and you would instantly begin to change your attitude about many things. When you hurt someone ELSE you are really hurting yourself. When you steal from someone ELSE you are really stealing from yourself.
“How can this be? It is because all things exist only as a part of ourselves. All things are only outer manifestations of things that exist within us. This does not necessarily mean if we perceive some really horrible thing in our world, that we have not begun to recognize as our own personal universe, that that thing is a part of us.
“You are always free to dismiss anything in your universe. All things are setups to try to deter us from our goals. All things we accept as negatives in our universe are merely tests, illusive obstacles set up to see if we have the strength to go through them. They are illusions — so go through them. Don’t let any obstacle stop you from reaching your goal.”
I wondered what he really meant by this. I mean, what if I was poor, but wanted to be rich. What if I was ugly and wanted to be handsome. What if I thought I was a good person but got robbed, or stabbed, or raped, if I were a woman!
“Ah, I see your mind is already at work, my young friend!” I guess it saves a lot of time and energy when another can just KNOW what you are thinking, or feeling. It also seems to make it easier to communicate by thoughts or visual impressions. Anyway, I didn’t mind the fact that Yerba was able to read my thoughts.
“What you believe yourself to be, is what you are. But what you believe yourself to be is not necessarily what you TRULY are! For example, if you have set a goal and are working toward it, you must believe you have already accomplished the goal, even though you may be unable to visually perceive the goal, as you have perceived it to be in its finished state.
“Life is an ongoing process, and it is ever-changing. It never stays in one place. Therefore, once you have set a goal, you must know that it will be achieved, or rather, that it already IS achieved, somewhere in some universe. All you need to do is bring it into your own personal visual reality. It’s really a simple task, but the world in which you live often makes these things very difficult indeed.
“Some people are able to accomplish things in a remarkably fast period of time, and with seeming ease. Some people appear to be just plain lucky, or they are just obviously in the right place at the right time. Or they must know the right people. That, after all, is why things seem to just click for them.
“Don’t you believe it for an instant! All things happen to the individual for a reason. Nothing comes without a price. If things aren’t going the way you want them to go, or the way you think they should be, look only within yourself for the answers. Do not even attempt to blame another person, or situation, or circumstance. All reasons lie within YOU, the individual.
“Again, let’s just say that all things occur in our lives for two reasons, really. They occur primarily because these are the situations we need to happen in our lives to allow us to learn the lessons we need for our own personal growth, that is, of course, if we can become aware of the lessons. The situations will occur anyway.
“Secondly, all things that happen to us happen as a result of our own doing. It is all according to the laws of karma, which are precise unto the last, single point needed to balance the books. I know this is often hard to believe, but why else is one person born into riches, and another into poverty so heavy they cannot even have one meal in each week?
“Do not feel sorry for another, whose circumstances you feel are so harsh. For the circumstances are only the outer reflection of the inner karma. But do not be callous, either. Rather, be balanced in your impressions of others. The saying: ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’ is quite appropriate here. It means, under different circumstances it could be you. And in some past lifetime it probably was!
“So if you feel strongly about giving to the poor, or becoming involved in some cause that strikes your heart as important, you may always feel free to do so. Ask first, though, before each action: is it true, is it necessary, is it kind? Will this action take me further along the path of Total Awareness and personal unfoldment? And lastly, will this action hurt another, or prevent another from moving along the Path to AHO?
“If you feel that the action you want to take is truly for your own personal good, and the good of the whole, then by all means, do it. Always seek within for the answers to questions about actions to be taken. As you begin to develop the open lines of communication with your own true spiritual essence, you will come to instinctively trust it more and more, and the answers you get back as to what actions to take, will come to your conscious mind before you are even aware of having phrased the question!
“Rest now, my son; you have learned much this day. We shall meet many more times, as you progress along your own path of unfoldment. I will be with you through your journeys to PLURBY. And when the moment comes that you have progressed beyond what we can offer you here in PLURBY, others will come and take you further along the path.
“For now, be content to fulfill the mission as it is revealed to you in this moment. Always there is a greater mission to fulfill. The little tasks fulfill the little missions, and the little missions fulfill the greater tasks until in one seemingly distant moment you stand on the shores of eternity — the place you have earned by your moment-to-moment attention and diligence to the tasks presented to you along the way.”
* * *
I drifted slowly back into my sleep state. I had but a dim remembrance of the night’s adventures. Today was Saturday, and I could sleep later than usual. I had time to recover from the exhaustive evening of travel, and time to digest the mountain of information I had received.
But I was fooling myself. For I knew this was not to be a time of rest. It was to be a time of much study. There was a lot of work to be done to fulfill the requirements of my mission. My MISSION! I laughed as my eyes opened into the physical world — those windows viewing a dreary, drab, brown-walled room. How dull it all seemed compared to the brightness of PLURBY. But what had Yerba said about not comparing and about karma? Had I already forgotten what I had learned?
* * *
“Living among the people who exist in the realms below the worlds of AHO — the Almighty High One, are those who are the gifted holy men; the Spiritually Developed who carry the mantle of truth, wisdom and freedom for the seeker. These beings are of the Earth, yet although their feet walk on the soil, their Souls are planted in heaven.
“It is these Divine Messengers of AHO that you must find. Do not seek as one who stalks the animal for his food. As your heart becomes pure, the Seer will come to YOU — His presence will be known by you, in the outer and the inner. Perhaps in a dream, in the smile of a loved one, the laugh of a child, or the heart of a flower. The Living Master is among you, always.
“Follow the high path to reach AHO — for I, AHO, am a part of you, and you a part of Me. We are unable to be whole without each other. My love for you transcends all illusions or eternity. I await your return, after you have been tempered, through the Living Master who will guide you and assist you. He will teach you how to find and use the tools that are yours — the tools that will help you realize your true being — that which you truly are.
“ESCANA is the path back to AHO. It is the science and study of the Eternal Spiritual Current which creates, sustains, maintains and destroys all that lives in the lower realms. It is the true path you seek — the road to AHO; the road back home.
“Go now, out into the world. Live life fully. Observe life intently. Speak little. Write much, if that is your skill. Make judgement of no man, for you cannot know another, truly. You do not even yet know yourself — you are but a babe among the Great Spiritual Beings in eternity — those you will one day come to known as brothers.”
“All of life is a Spiritual Experience. There are lessons to be learned in each moment — in each situation. Look beyond the seeming pettiness of each act and look for the true lesson for YOU!!! For no other can tell you what only YOU can learn through direct experience.
“It is through love and strength that you will reach your highest goals. Pay attention to those seemingly unrelated incidents that occur in your life. Be aware of the great power of doing the little things in a perfect way; and the impact this has in the ‘long-run’.”
* * *
I had gotten into a daily practice of sitting for about twenty minutes, or so, and just focusing on blanking out my mind, trying to calm myself from the stresses and strains from my life. Sometimes I would even try to visualize some pleasant scene, or hum a favorite word. On this day, I just sat back and relaxed, not focusing on anything in particular.
Suddenly, I found myself in the company of this person known as Yerba. He began to speak to me almost immediately.
“Let me tell you a story,” he began, “that you might enjoy. Eons ago, before the land became densely populated, the Earth was desolate in many places. Living things were sparsely distributed, and the plants were few. In one area of PLURBY, the city known as TOFURA, virtually no life existed.
“Trees and plants and other forms of vegetation were almost non-existent. This place was worse than any desert now existing on the planet. It was hot, dry, barren — a hostile place to live, if one could exist at all. But someone DID live there.
“A man named Shiono and his wife, Mariara, took up residence in the heart of TOFURA. Mariara thought her husband crazy, yet she loved him dearly, and was bound to stay with him in this life. Shiono and Mariara lived in a little hut they built from wood they had carted from the distant forest of Diacin, high in the mountains of a land far-distant from the city of TOFURA.
“Driven by a strong, personal, inner vision, he told his wife they were to come to this seemingly barren land. Shiono was given a great task to perform, a mission he acted on every moment of every day from the moment he received the awareness of duty.
“His mission was to plant trees in the desert! A preposterous idea, his wife thought. She was certain he was crazy, but went along with him, for she could not leave this barren place alone. So, together they each planted seeds in the coarse, dry, seemingly lifeless soil of the desert of TOFURA.
“Water was found by digging a well not even 10 feet from the surface. This, Mariara found quite startling, for how could there be such a wonderful gift lying beneath the surface of this harsh place, when nothing was visible to alert the casual onlooker of this gift?
“Still, she was happy that at least they had water to survive on, and they had brought with them nearly a year’s supply of foods; though somehow she knew they would never starve, even out here in the desert. Both Shiono and Mariara knew they would be provided with ample sustenance.
“Day after day, month after month and year after year, Shiono and Mariara worked tirelessly in the desert, planting seeds and watering them, taking care to see that each seed was planted in just the right way, not too close to another, and neither too deep nor too far from the surface of the desert.
“Within weeks of planting, tiny sprouts began to grow from the desert. These, Shiono watched carefully, he and his wife treating them as if they were their very own offspring. For indeed they WERE like children to them. They had given them love, and care, and were completely devoted to see that they grew up healthy.
“As time passed, Shiono and Mariara grew old, and tired. They had lived many garn in the desert, fulfilling the mission of planting trees. GARN is a measurement of time we use. Each GARN equals twelve years. Never looking back, they continued to plant the seeds that were somehow always present in their seed sack. Many different types of seeds.
“One day, as Shiono was approaching the day of his physical passing, he and Mariara stood outside their scant little shack, out in the middle of TOFURA, out in the middle of a once barren land. Much to their joyous surprise, they beheld a vast forest of lush, healthy, green trees.
“The land was no longer barren; the soil dry and lifeless. Now, the rains came almost daily to do the work of watering the trees Shiono and Mariara were no longer able to, because of their physical age. Then, one day, both Shiono and Mariara lay down to rest, passing silently across the borders of the physical world, into the inner worlds.
“Yet, even though they had come into this barren land, virtually alone, as they left, millions of souls were there to witness their passing. Although they left no human children behind them, the millions of trees they had planted were a legacy to the future of this great island. A future they would not live to see. This is the Legend of Shiono and Mariara.
“Tell me. What does this story illustrate for you?”
“Well,” I began, “I guess it means if you feel you must do something, you should just do it and trust that it is the right thing to do.”
“And what else,” asked my friend, in a kind of stern voice.
“Well, I guess these two people had some kind of mission, or at least that’s what they thought it was. And they were compelled to go as far toward completing that mission as they could, even if they could never see the results of their work. In fact, I guess they really couldn’t see the far-reaching effects they had on the millions of souls who would pass through this now rich land they had helped to create.
“They trusted that some higher power than THEY knew better than they did, and so they followed their inner guidance and were always provided for. Their life was very tough in the outer, but it seems they were well rewarded on the inner, for their faith, trust, love and devotion to the mission they were to perform.”
“Yes,” replied Yerba, happily. “I see you DID get the point of this story. It is better that you learn as much as you can on your own, without being told, otherwise the lessons that are there for you to learn are often lost when someone else points them out to you.
“Words are merely representations of symbols, concepts, feelings and thoughts, which are all pieces of the holograms of eternity. Language transcends time, and stories must ring true from every direction — they must touch all. In this way, we document the triumphantness of the Creative Essence of the universe.
“This brings me to the point of YOUR mission!”
“My mission!” I shrieked. “What do you mean MY MISSION?”
“Well, each of us has some mission to perform. And those beings who have consciously stepped out to follow the high path to AHO, as you have, are offered various kinds of missions to perform, that generally are in harmony with the very basic nature of the individual.
“For example, it would be of little value if your mission were to invest your time and energy in studying classical ballet if your true nature is to paint. And it would serve little purpose to have someone waste their talents, likewise, in other areas, when their basic talents can be enhanced and used in the area that best suits them.
“And so we come to you. What is YOUR mission? Why have you been born? What are you to be doing with your life? Why have you come to this land of PLURBY? Why have you even begun to ask these questions of your own inner worlds?
“Well, let’s take it gently, so you won’t be shocked. You’ll find that you have really only one ultimate mission, and that is what you must discover solely on your own. However, I can tell you at least TWO parts of the mission that will unfold for you but not the third part, and final part. Some people do their mission by just raising others’ consciousnesses by just living their lives. Others take a more interactive role.”
* * *
I was eager to hear what this being had to say, even though I was still a little doubtful about this whole thing. Well, actually, I was a LOT doubtful about it, but I thought, ‘why not listen to him, anyway?’
“Your journeys to PLURBY in what you recognize as the past, and those yet to come, are not for your entertainment. They are for your own development that you may unfold into the fulfillment of your mission in life. Your first mission is to find a sacred stone known as the PRIMAD crystal. Your second mission is to write about your experiences, and compile them into a book so that others may gain truth from the journey you embark on to attain your first mission.”
He paused a moment and I turned to this person that I had come to recognize as a Spiritual Adept, someone who would fulfill a significant role in my life, and queried: “Me write a book? How can I write a book? What do I have to offer anyone? Why would anyone read a book I write?”
Yerba laughed, not in a mocking tone, but in a humorous vain. “Oh, yea of little faith! Do not worry. The book will not come from within your own mind. It will come from a realm beyond the mind, though you may always tap the eternal memory vault for experiences and examples you may need to fill in your journal entries. Thereby it will have universal acceptance. Universal usability. Just become totally committed to your inner ideal and things will come together.
“Many millions of people, likely, will benefit from the words you put down on paper, as they flow through your being direct from our world to your world.
“If we BE who we are naturally, when we discover this, that BEINGness will be naturally manifested in whatever we do as a job. And the more we manifest this BEINGness, the more we become IT.
“What do I mean by this? As an example: let’s say you work as a waiter or waitress. But inside you KNOW you feel you are an actor. How does this affect your work? How does this affect your view of the world?
“Well, you begin to look at life as an actor. You begin to see things as an actor. Perhaps you begin to see life as a great game, as a non-reality. There’s a problem here in that perhaps you’ll go so far over to the other side, and you’ll become unbalanced. You’ll begin to see the world as a total unreality, and live in your own self-created world of fantasy.
“This is not being balanced, or living in the moment. You can view the world as a game, you can visualize it that way. You can visualize it as being unreal only insofar as you are balanced about that attitude, and outlook.
“When you go out into the world to be a waiter or waitress, you view life as an actor. You are providing the service of being the waiter AS an actor, in what you are doing in your profession.
“You are dealing with people, actually, and you are not on a ‘real’ stage, as you may think, but you are on the proverbial stage of life. You are what Shakespeare stated: ‘All the world’s a stage and all the people merely players.’
“You are performing a service for people in the actual job function you are doing, but in addition to that, you are providing them with an additional service by giving that flare, that acting that comes from deep within you, and you are energizing your job function with that inner beingness.
“People sense that. They derive great joy from that feeling, and you have uplifted those people. Ultimately, if you make the proper adjustments, you will become, in reality, that which you so dearly seek, in this case, the actor, perhaps on stage, perhaps not, but you WILL become the actor. You will take on that role of being that actor — you will assume the role. And that’s how you view life.
“Let’s take another example. Suppose you envision yourself as being a great writer, but you are working in a job that is totally unrelated to writing. Or you feel it is total unrelated, anyway. Let’s say you are very involved in the computer field, as you happen to be at this moment.
“It’s very easy to see that somewhere along the line you would be able to write something about computers. Perhaps some technical document that would help people. Perhaps it’s only a paragraph explaining something. Perhaps it’s a twenty page document, or even an entire book! It doesn’t matter which of these you do.
“The thing is to be of service to people. And if your desire to be a writer is deeply embedded within you, and you wish it to come out and to express it, then you will! You will find a way. You will work on it one, two, three, four or even only five minutes a day, whatever it is. It’s your choice. And from that small beginning, great things will happen.
“You cannot deny that part of you that is YOU. You cannot deny what you are, what you should be, what you should express. For if you do, you are truly functioning from an imbalanced state. This is not healthy.
“It is not healthy Spiritually, creatively, mentally, emotionally, physically or monetarily. You stifle your growth, and you are not functioning at a hundred percent! When what you DO reflects who you BE, your BEINGness begins to grow within you. And naturally, it is the law of the universe, that the more you BE what you are supposed to BE, the more you should DO and consequently the more you will HAVE.
“Once again! The more you BE, or ARE, what you should BE, you will naturally begin to DO more. BEINGness leading to DOINGness, which naturally leads to HAVINGness. You only have to make very slight adjustments in your life.”
* * *
His words sounded confusing to my ears, but I decided to just take them in, and contemplate on them at a later moment. I really didn’t want to stop his flow, or the truths he was offering me for the taking.
“Let me tell you of a very special book that is of great importance to us here in PLURBY. It is called the YOURN, and it is known as a SACRED BOOK OF ETERNAL TRUTH. In it are contained all that can be known. IT is the word of AHO, or God, as you know IT to be. By experiencing the YOURN you can know all that you need to know.
“To us, the YOURN is like your Bible. No other book is more important than the YOURN. It has been passed down to us through the misty dawn of eternity, and grows ever-greater as we grow in consciousness. By this I mean, the YOURN is a living, breathing Being. From IT are revealed to us all the truths of the universes of AHO, yet it is ever-created anew. It grows as we grow. We create the Living YOURN in our every action, in our every thought, word and deed.
“You must come to love the YOURN, for it becomes as your best friend. It is a source you may go to at any moment to gain the insights you seek. Even to the smallest item in your life. Before you do anything in life, you might ask: What would AHO want me to do in this situation? Or, What insights can the YOURN offer me in this situation?
“Each being will experience the YOURN in a different way, and it may be different for each person each time IT is experienced. In one moment you may read the words. In another you may see a visual scene unfold before your eyes — like a hologram. Look deeply into this hologram for it contains within it all you need to know. It is a piece of the whole.
“In other moments you may receive only impressions, feelings, colours, sights, sounds, smells. Some sessions you will have only mental impressions, or a deep knowingness of what has been availed to you. The YOURN is located in the many Temples of Eternal Truth throughout the universes of AHO. Here, in PLURBY, there are seven such Temples, and there are seven portions of the YOURN located in PLURBY, in the physical.
“Five more portions exist in the inner worlds of AHO; those regions we recognize as the dream worlds, or those areas not of the physical. They are not the highest worlds one can reach, for they exist above the physical, but below the true inner worlds of AHO.
“Let me take you to the special room in the Golden Temple of Eternal Truth known as ROMEGA. It is located here, in our very own city of CENTRIA. IT should seem familiar to you, since you have been experiencing IT ever since you have been coming to PLURBY — though you did not know this is what you were experiencing.”
* * *
I tried to recall some shred of truth in what Yerba was telling me, and YES, I COULD remember the YOURN, although it seemed more like a dream than a reality. A paragraph here, a word there, a scene tucked away deep in my consciousness somewhere, whose essence might be of value to me at some later moment in my life. Yes, I was sure I had seen the YOURN before. Or had I?
* * *
We approached a room in the Temple that was very eerie to me. The entrance was large and inviting. There was no door. There was a misty golden glow about the room, as if something very special resided inside. I stilled my mind so as to sense what was there for me. I saw the golden lights flickering in the room, and I heard a sound emanating from there as well; a sound that made me feel warm inside.
As we entered the room I saw IT! There, in the center of the room, was a grand book, open somewhere in the middle, sitting on a platform of solid gold. Nothing else was in the room, and it was a very large room at that. I thought it seemed like a waste of space, though PLURBY certainly has space to spare.
I approached the book, a little frightened of what might happen. I didn’t consciously remember having had this experience before. My fears were wiped from me as I approached ever-closer. They were taken from me, and replaced with love. A love so strong I could feel the tears dripping down my cheeks. I tasted the salt as they entered the corners of my mouth.
“The HOLY YOURN — THE SACRED BOOK OF ETERNAL TRUTH,” said Yerba, in a tone of deep reverence. “Approach, that you may know truth!”
I walked closer, unaided by my dear friend, Yerba. Alone, I was within six inches of the book. A shaft of light emanated from the very pages, ascending high up to the ceiling and beyond, at least a hundred feet and more. It created a tunnel of light that seemed to go on for eternity. So this is it! I thought. The Light of AHO, the Light of God!
I could feel the Divine Love come into my heart center, and I felt cleansed. Nothing mattered at this point except a strong desire to merge with AHO. I wanted to become AHO. Nothing else seemed of importance. I bent my head backwards to drink in the Light that was so over-powering. I felt at home here. Safe, secure, loved and whole.
As I gazed down at the pages, I began to read from the Sacred Book. I could see the chapter title: DIVINE MISSION OF LIFE flashing in golden letters. I never actually read the words. It was as if they just jumped from the page into my mind. I knew there was more behind the words than the words themselves could convey!
* * *
“Each being has a divine mission bestowed upon them by AHO the Almighty High One. Every being in existence from man to mineral has a unique mission that only they can perform. Fulfilling this mission is the greatest act of service one can perform for the Almighty High One. One is not always availed the knowledge of what their individual Divine Mission is until they have already made some progress along the journey back to AHO. For it is only the sincere seeker that is worthy of having this information revealed to them.
“Do not take lightly, oh seeker, the Divine mission you are granted, the mission you yourself selected before your incarnation into this life, or the very gift of having this mission revealed to you. The mission is a bargain, an agreement between AHO and yourself. In the end, you find your mission is, in itself, the journey back to AHO. Nothing is more important in the life of the seeker than the mission bestowed upon them.
“Seek within you, for only there will you find what your mission truly is. No other can give you this information. It was implanted within you before your birth. Only YOU, the seeker, hold the key to unlock the door. Only YOU, the seeker, can enter the door and see, with open eyes and a loving heart, what your mission is in life.
“When your mission has been revealed to you, oh seeker, go out into the world and live life fully. Every moment be consciously aware of your mission and trust that every act you do is aligned with it.
“When a bee looks at man it recognizes it as Divine, yet it cannot do what man does. When a man looks at a bee it recognizes it as Divine, yet it cannot do what the bee does. Each recognizes the other as part of the same whole, yet they are unable to perform the functions of the other. This is how God looks at Soul. Soul is a piece of God, yet it is different and distinct, yet they are each part of the same.
“Do not be jealous of others, for you have had all in lifetimes past. You have been rich, and poor; powerful and weak; ugly and handsome. You have been the male and the female. You have been all things before. Search deeply within your heart to know this is truth — always confirm it for yourself, so your mind may be satisfied, as far as that is possible, that what you perceive is truth to you.
“You will have in life anything you desire, so long as that desire meets with the mission you are to follow in life. Only YOU can make those decisions. But beware if you make the wrong choices. Fortunate, indeed, is he who has the recognition of the Divine Mahavana by his side, for it is HE, the Mahavana, who has been entrusted with the secrets of the Universe — the secrets of AHO. It is HE, and HE alone, residing in the physical, who can help you in your journey back to AHO.
“Seek the TRUE ONE; seek the Mahavana, for HE is as close to you as your very breath. He is My Divine Messenger. The one who resides in the lower worlds. The One who has chosen as His mission to live in the squalor of the lower worlds, to be always of assistance to man. To show man the way back to AHO, that many may avoid the countless pitfalls along the way. Always seek truth. The Mahavana will show you the way.
“Go now, my Divine Son. Your mission awaits you. Be always aware that I love you as I love myself. My love surrounds you always. Follow the guidance of the Mahavana and your own heart. For therein do I eternally reside.”
And with those final words, the session ended. I stepped back from the platform, totally speechless. The tears were flowing like tiny rivers down my face. They were tears of joy, happiness, love. All the things that were AHO, all the things that were myself!
* * *
I was overwhelmed by all that I had just experienced. Yerba was sensitive to my condition. “This is all I will tell you at this moment concerning your mission. We shall meet again to help move you along in the attainment of this goal. For now, let us walk a bit, so you can see more of our little island of PLURBY, and enjoy the many gifts it has to offer you.”
And with that, we walked into a beautiful park.
* * *
I heard lovely, familiar music in the distance. “Is that Bach, I hear?” I asked, inquisitively.
“Yes, but not exactly as you know it to be. Sometimes things are manifested in the lower worlds in only one place so that subsequent manifestations will be easier. You will notice that what you recognize as the music of Bach, is, truly that. Though we do not label the composer. He or she is recognized at the moment of performance, then slips away into oblivion to continue the art of creation. The composer has gained the necessary insights from the composition, and the audience participants, too, have enjoyed the struggle, the process and the outcome. They have gained many insights as well.
“All creations in the lower worlds, once exhibited, become communal property, to be viewed or exhibited, often, only on request of a single individual or group, generally doing research on that particular artform. All already manifested artforms are catalogued and stored for possible future use.
“Not all that can be manifested in the lower worlds has been manifested here, though many things have. There is always more to experience. Creation is an ongoing process without seeming end.
“We all delve into eternity and borrow from the same eternal warehouse. So it’s not surprising we may both have similar ideas — you are drawing from us, and we from you.
“First you must have recognition of something and acknowledge that situation or quality before you can begin to manifest. After recognition you must request insight and assistance.
“Have you noticed how sometimes something you want to bring out into the physical world is easy? That is, sometimes the pieces just seem to all be there and the process seems simple! IT just flows, seemingly from start to finish. This can be attributed to your level of consciousness, and the level to which you tune into the Creative powers. This tuning in at a higher level can avail you of great insight to avoid many pitfalls and unnecessary delays.
“This does not mean one who struggles has done something wrong, and one who does not struggle has done something right. The one who struggles may desire to look for greater insight, to raise their state of consciousness, so that the next time any given situation may go smoother. This depends on how well they have learned the lessons, not by the blessings of the Gods.
“The person who does not seemingly struggle, in any one particular situation, may have gained insights previous to this situation that facilitates a freer flow of the creation. There may be other times when this free flow is not so evident, as ever more lessons are learned, and deeper insights gained.
“On the other hand, there are times when a creation seems to just flow so easily, and there seems no accounting for it. We can attribute this, sometimes, to the possibility that this particular creation was previously manifested in the lower worlds, and its second, or subsequent, comings, or re-creations, is easier.
“Remember all the times you did something for the very FIRST time? At least, the first time you have conscious recall of doing something. Most often, the first time was very difficult, and as you learned lessons from the situation, or your skills became greater, your doing of the thing became easier.
“There are also times when the first time you do something, there is no seeming difficulty. Did you think the Gods smiled on you in that situation? Did you think you were blessed? No, that’s not what happened. Likely, you are repeating a situation you had accomplished in a previous lifetime, or you have tapped into a situation that was accomplished by someone else, at some other moment in eternity — whether future, present or past, and your ability to tap into this universal bank of experience allows you to re-create this situation in a seeming effortless way.
“So-called ‘gifted’ composers, artists, athletes, writers, dancers, actors, business people, product developers, psychics, all seem to be blessed by the Gods with some special talents. Not so! Likely, if the seeming ‘special’ talent, or talents, they exhibit permeate their lives, they have likely been developing this talent through many lifetimes, so it is no surprise they are incarnated into one lifetime, or a series of lifetimes, when the manifestation of this talent is seemingly extraordinary, and the person is labeled a genius, or specially gifted.
“PLURBY is the physical outer arena in which we all work as a group consciousness to explore and finalize the experiences needed to heal all of our seeming past, and future, imperfections, so to speak. Though we can never really be perfect here in the lower worlds, we can work to gain the qualities we need to continue the inner journey. We are a fully expressive society, though in some areas we must practice a high degree of discrimination and detachment.
“As citizens of PLURBY, we have collectively agreed that our arena would be open to all who came with an open heart and a true desire to know their inner beingness, and seek wisdom from within.
“We each act as a mirror to the other, and become, momentarily, that reflection of some quality within the other so that being can finally see clearly what the lacks are and to release, in a balanced way, those imperfections that are hampering the journey.
“Further, we always do this with compassion and detachment, in a holistic way. That is, we seek to view the lack, understand where it exists within us, and then balance that lack with the wisdom needed to attain wholeness with it.
“As a true seeker of this inner wholeness, you have been chosen as one who may come to PLURBY to avail yourself of what we offer as a gift to those who seek us out. Your mission is twofold — first to come here and work out your destiny of wholeness. Second — to write about your experiences here so that others may come to know that which exists around them in a parallel universe, or dimension, but which they are consciously unaware of.
“All those who are true seekers along the path may come here. We will show each how to come here, and you will write down what we tell you so that these seekers have access to the information they need to make the journey.
“As you will come to know within, there are two main tools we use to allow one to gain this wholeness: one is by viewing others who act as mirrors for us, and the other is by experiencing a rather unusual physical external item that has been capsulized into a game. That which you will come to produce as: The Eternal Game of Freedom, is that which I speak of.
“Although a reality here in PLURBY, and of access to all who have developed the skills and awareness to actually come to PLURBY, we have already given you the necessary information to produce the game, in reasonable facsimile, so that others in your time period may have the physical manifestation, in their own time period, to actually experience with a group, as we have so directed.
“In your stay here in PLURBY, and through subsequent visits here and further awareness of that which we have already taught you, but you have consciously forgotten, you shall come to know of the great depth this game has to offer those of your period. It is a game like no other, and the writing of this book will elicit from within the masses the desire to have the game produced, if that is their will, otherwise the game shall exist in PLURBY, and come out in some other time-period.
“Come, let me show you more of what PLURBY is about, and what it can offer you in your trek of the inner journey to wholeness and inner perfection.
“PLURBY has seven cities, and in each of the seven cities, including, of course, CENTRIA, which you already have some familiarity with, there are sacred places known as: Golden Temples, also referred to as: Temples of Eternal Truth. In each of the Temples of Eternal Truth, there is a portion of the YOURN.
“Presently, there are seven places in the physical where you may experience the YOURN. One temple exists in each of the seven cities of PLURBY. Each time you experience the YOURN it may be different. One time you may read the words, another time you may hear the words. At other moments you may see visions, or lights, or actually see sounds, or hear lights.
“Each of these methods are unique to present truth to you in different ways; through different methods of transmission. Truth is one, yet we all perceive it differently because of our past personal history, and that is why the YOURN will present to each of us that which we need to experience in that moment we stand before the YOURN, and in the way that is most befitting to us at that moment, as well.
“Always remember though, you, the individual, in the human form, are your own greatest instrument. No external item, crystal, herb or book, can replace the Divine instrument you are as a human being. For your very essence, SOUL, is the key to this significance.
“While external items can serve as enhancement tools, all tools and all keys lie within the being. They merely need to be evoked. Crystals, herbs, chanting of charged or empowered words or sounds, books, group meetings — all of these are devices to help evoke from within each individual the awareness of the true essence of their being.
“Once discovered, and the gap is bridged, one can instantly tap into that Divine creative spark of imagination that resides within each of us, at any moment, for insight. That is the first step toward the journey back home to our eternal creator.
“There is a general schedule in PLURBY. Most people ‘work’ 4 days at their chosen field, or craft. On two days, instead of ‘work’ they go to training for a new craft or field. One day is a ‘free’ day when there is no ‘work’ or ‘training’ of any kind.
“ ‘Work’ is between eight am and four in the afternoon, which includes appropriate lunches. Some crafts, such as farming, may require different hours, or longer hours. Training days are the same as ‘work’ days in hours distribution.
“Professions such as the healing arts may not rotate in the usual three-year period, because the training for this profession takes such a long period of time. In fact, healing is a craft that may take an entire lifetime to ‘perfect’, if ever there is such a state.
“Generally we find that whatever craft one performs, it is usually with the slant of the home craft. That is, the city we are born into and grow up in, forms the basic matrix of our beingness here in the physical world. If one is born into a community where writing is the preferred medium of expression, virtually everything one does from that moment on will be with the perspective of how to put images and record things on paper.
“If one is born into the city of TOFURA, which is quite physical, since everyone here is involved in farming, in one way or another, one will instinctively look for how to express things through physical means. So, if one is going to recite a poem, it will include physical movement. If one is to serve food, one will serve food with the inclusion of physical expression — possibly singing, or reciting a story, along with the serving of food.
“Every night between the hours of eight and ten we have a most significant event known as: Nightly Exhibition. This is a time of creative exhibition in every city in PLURBY. The occasion starts off with a five or ten minute Creative Visualization Exercise, sometimes referred to as a CVE, and then a more ‘experienced’ performer usually begins; one who has performed in public many times, and may have been asked to perform again.
“The ensuing performers are generally those that have some experience, but not extensive experience, and are learning both their chosen craft and their performing skills, to heighten them.
“Each city has, as its base, a different focus. For example, in GIANIRA, the city of knowledge, where WRITING is the thrust of the city’s trainings, and writing is the general performance in the evening, we generally have readings of poetry or other writings. However, also to be performed would be other types of creative expression either by members of this community who are skilled in other areas, or invited guests from other cities.
“All activities are considered for Nightly Exhibition, even exhibiting a new plant, or something one has done with plants, especially here, in the city of TOFURA, where farming, and working with living plants, is the main expression of love and focus of life.
“On rare occasion, a premiere exhibition may be telecast to all cities simultaneously. This happens rarely, but does occur. For example: a speech of some majour importance on a topic special for all or a concert of special distinction.
“It’s important to keep in mind that the performance itself holds a key. It is the act of the performance, or the process of actually performing, that holds the key to some insight. One performs for many reasons, and each audience is different. Even the same group of people may be different each night, when they function as an audience.
“You must work within the structure and framework of your period. Observe all the laws of man. On occasion, when you come up against a law that appears, on the surface, to go against your nature, and what your intuition tells you, or restricts your freedom, it is then you might want to try going within to seek some new insight and a creative way to work with this law.
“Your mission is not to seek out injustices and champion the causes of active change. Passive aggression and enlightened awareness fare much better in effecting change. For change is never permanent.
“What was, no longer is; what is, won’t always be; what will be, is not yet. Still, all exists in the moment and you only become aware of it as you focus your attention on it.
“PLURBY works, largely because we all have a consensus and collective belief and support of the values and spiritual principles we mockup, exhibit and live each moment.
“We are all aware that a chink in our chain could cause our downfall in an instant, yet we do not live in mortal fear of this eventuality for it is only another phase of a natural cycle.
“This gradual, or sudden, downward trend is the cycle you are aware of in your awakened outer daily life.
“Your job presently gives you stability. Be patient. You will soon make the transition to earning your sustenance through more seemingly creative efforts — at least those that are more germane to your nature. One caution though — BE PREPARED IN ADVANCE FOR THAT WHICH IS TO COME INTO YOUR LIFE!!!
“All that matters is doing what you are supposed to do — all else it illusion. A group consciousness can be very compelling — always be wary. Beware of virtually all external experts and authorities, who are mostly self-proclaimed. Trust your inner guidance always! Also, beware of cliches and trite statements used to trick and trap the mind into grooves such as has been used by so many charismatic leaders. These points may bear repeating.
“No one is above the law — ANY law. If you think because you have reached some level of spiritual unfoldment that you should be immune to the laws of your country you are sadly misguided. Get in your car and drive much over the speed limit. Go through every red light and pay no attention to stop signs. Do this for about a week or so.
“You might also try taking various items you want from stores you go into without paying for them. You’ll soon discover that society has its almost immediate ‘penalty’ for disobeying the laws of man.
“In the event you aren’t ‘caught’ by society, pay attention to how your life ‘goes’ in the ensuing days and weeks. Many little difficulties will crop up that would seem to have no reason — many obstacles. Think back, though, to all those laws of society you broke. The lords of karma are often quick to dole out the penalties or rewards of every action.
“Wise is the one who can draw the parallel between an obstacle or problem in life, and its karmic cause or origin. For if anything is your life is not running ‘problem-free’ step back and take a moment to contemplate. Go within to see the cause of this ruffle in your lifestream. For truly, I say, all cause-seeds exist within you.
“All obstacles and difficulties that may appear in the outer have, at their base, a cause-seed you yourself have created by some past action or for your present learning. But enough talk for now. Let’s have lunch!”
* * *
Yerba and I walked into a small, open air cafe near the center of the park, right next to the big fountain. As we entered, I was struck with the ambiance of a malt shoppe I remembered from my youth.
The place was empty except for a man and woman sitting in the back at a round table with four chairs. I noticed the usual round, cushioned stools by the counter, several padded booths along the mirrored wall opposite the counter, and about eight or ten tables, of various sizes, scattered throughout the place.
As we walked closer to the back of the cafe, I could see the two people were engaged in an intense discussion, but as soon as Yerba and I came close enough they both stood up to greet us. Yerba and the woman hugged each other as if they hadn’t seen each other in quite a long while.
Then, focusing on ME, she stepped back and said, “Ah, you must be the young man I’ve heard so much about. Welcome to PLURBY!!!” Her voice was soft, sweet and vibrant. She seemed to be about twenty-five years old. She embraced me, and as she hugged me, I felt a warm glow flowing throughout my whole being. I felt healed of ailments I didn’t even know I had.
“Hi,” she said, stepping back. “My name is Seffia. And THIS,” she pointed to the other man with her, “is our good friend, Dromba. Say hello to our young friend, Dromba.” The man quietly, almost meekly said, “HI”, and then sat down. I sensed he was her boyfriend, or that they were married. He seemed like the typical hen-pecked husband. BOY! was I wrong, as I later found out. What a misjudgement of character I had made in this instance. I vowed to never again make snap judgements.
“Please, sit down and eat. I know you’ve come here at least for that. Ollie!” Seffia’s voice was assertive, but not offensive. There was a caring in her tone. More than motherly — almost as if she had some responsibility toward me.
“So,” she began, “have you learned anything since you’ve come here this day?”
“I can’t even begin to tell you of all the wonderful sights, and impressions I’ve gotten. I’d love to stay here forever!” I responded.
All three laughed. Dromba had the heartiest laugh of all. Seffia chuckled and spoke again, “I don’t know if Yerba has told you but Dromba and myself are to complete the threesome of your training group. We’ll become good friends, I’m sure. You seem like a nice person. But beyond that, never forget you have a mission to perform, and we’re here to help you. That is our only concern!”
Her tone became stern, and I was a little put off by it. Suddenly, though, she realized she had been a little too tough and smiled at me. That melted all the harshness I felt inside. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I must apologize. I guess I just wanted you to understand the seriousness of your journeys here. You are to come here to learn, and bring these truths back to your world. It will come out to others through your writing.
“There is, of course, much more to it than that, but we don’t need to discuss that right now.”
I wondered what she was referring to. She knew my thoughts. “Well, you see, it all depends,” she began again. “We really don’t know with certainty all that will come of what you do. All that matters for you, anyway, is that you do your part in fulfilling your mission, as I do my part, and as do Yerba and Dromba.
“We each have many things to accomplish as part of our missions, and one of those things is to help YOU accomplish part of YOUR mission!”
I felt honored that anyone would want to help me at all. No one had really helped me before. I mean, I had friends. I had some really special friends, but I somehow sensed that my path was a lonely one. That I had to make my journey through life mostly alone. That no one would give me the secrets to the meaning of life. I never ever thought I might have some important Divine Mission to perform. And now, here I was sitting with three very special beings, whose true greatness I couldn’t even begin to comprehend at the moment, who were pledged to assist me in my quest.
I was really awed. Why ME? Why would anyone want to help ME? And especially these three people! They seemed like three friends who would rather be lying on the beach taking in the sun, or sailing on the ocean. Just taking life slow and easy. How could I have been so naive? How could I have known the depths of their commitment to me? A depth I myself might never reach!!!
“We’re aware of your inner feelings, my friend,” began Dromba. His voice was deep, and friendly. I just knew I had known him before. But before WHAT? “That doesn’t matter,” he replied to my unasked query. “All that matters is the moment. Nothing more nor less. No past, no future. There is only the moment. As you begin to move into the awareness of this concept of present-momentness, you will come to know that all exists only in the present.
“All exists in this very moment. There can be no other moment in which you will be aware of something except in the present — in the NOWNESS of what you recognize as time.”
His words were simple, but his concepts were foreign to my mind, yet deep within me, I knew what he said was truth. I was so engrossed in the conversation, I hadn’t realized I had already been served my food, eaten it, and couldn’t even remember what it was I had ingested, not a difficult feat for me, since I was a compulsive over-eater and rarely knew if I had eaten or not. It was part of that syndrome.
“Don’t be concerned about such insignificant things. We’ll work on that as well. Focus always in the moment, keeping your mission always in your consciousness. Let no obstacle deter you from attaining your mission.
“There are many things you need to know yet before you return to your waking state. Let me see if we can be of some assistance here.”
* * *
The four of us got up and exited the cafe. I had a strange feeling these were to be my three closest friends throughout eternity. Well, at least throughout the fulfillment of this mission I was expected to fulfill.
We walked but a short distance, and I found myself again standing in front of the Temple of ROMEGA. We walked up the twelve white marble stairs and as we reached the top landing, I somehow instinctively remembered to take a crystal from the sacred chalice to the right of the door. I placed it in my pocket without even looking at it. How did I know this was not only the custom but the law here? You take this crystal and place it in your pocket, or hold it, if you desire.
As you journey throughout the Temple the crystal aids you in opening up your consciousness. It helps to purify the being, while in the Temple confines, to be able to be more acutely attuned to the truths imparted to one. The others took stones as well.
The high, wooden doors swung silently open, bidding us to enter this Golden Center of Truth and Light. I didn’t know why we had again returned to this Temple, though I knew there must have been an important reason.
“We have come here,” Dromba stated flatly, “so that you may experience the YOURN on the subject of the hierarchy of the worlds. Pay close attention, for this is a subject you must be aware of if your journey is to continue.”
I was already standing at the entrance to the YOURN room. I hadn’t yet forgotten what I had to do. This time I entered the room alone. As I approached the gold platform and gazed into the YOURN, a scene unfolded before my eyes of unimaginable beauty. The very creation of the lower worlds was unveiled to me, as if like a movie on a screen, but more! I was actually surrounded by the hologram being presented to me.
The whole room became the exposition of the truths and information being imparted to me in this moment. I could feel what was happening. I felt the struggle of conception, birth and growth. I cried as I sensed death as well. The three phases — creation, growth and death, were impressed on my mind. Also they were known as creation, preservation and destruction, or transformation, the three phases of all that exists in the lower worlds — the worlds below those known as the High Worlds of AHO, the Almighty High One.
As the scene began to fade, my eyes were once again drawn to the pages of the YOURN, that I might read the words, and comprehend the thoughts and impressions concerning the hierarchy of the lower worlds.
* * *
“And so it was, after eons upon eons, I, AHO, the Almighty High One, awakened from my sleep. And seeing that those Souls I had created from deep within my being were engaged in all sorts of folly, and paid no respect to their father, it was then the lower worlds were created, those below the high realms of AHO.
“These lower worlds became created in the number of five — one below the other. Each higher one created the one below it out of necessity, that the light and sound of AHO could be toned down in steps to allow the different levels of perception.
“Each lower level was a degree of vibration less than the one above. And on each of the levels would be a ruler who had absolute dominion. His mission is to test the seeker, that he may not pass on into the higher levels until the tests have been passed.
“First there is the Etheric Level, or Plane; that which lies closest to the High Worlds, just below them. It is the area that serves as the communication point between the lower and higher worlds. The Lord here is known as Saguna. He has full charge of this region and is the final authority on who passes on into the Higher Worlds.
“Second there is the Mental Level, or Plane, that which is the place of the mind. It is here we work with the thoughts of the lower worlds. The lord here is known as Manda. Pay him great homage, for He will teach you much.
“Third there is the Causal Level, or Plane, that which you are least aware of. This is the place of storage, where all the impressions you have had are stored. You may come here to seek out the cause-seeds of all that you need insight on. You may think of this as the great encyclopedia of all your collected lifescenes.
“Fourth there is the Astral Level, or Plane, that which you are aware of as the emotional area. This is the place you come to when you are working out emotions. The lord here is known as Kanwal.
“Fifth, and lastly, there is the Physical Level, or Plane, that which you are perhaps most aware of. The Lord here is Elam. And there is yet another element in the physical. This is the world of duality. And you have your Great Mother Earth, the feminine element. This does not mean to imply that there is no feminine element in the levels higher than the physical world.
“There is always duality below the highest levels of AHO. And there is always the masculine and the feminine energy. In the highest realms their is NEITHER male nor female. There is only the neutral; the final synthesis of the male and the female. And in the physical level, the female principle is very powerful. Look to her for assistance.
“All the lords of all the planes work in secret. It is their mission to maintain the integrity of the realms over which they preside. It may not be necessary for the seeker to ever encounter these Lords individually. Just be aware that you have an inner body that corresponds to each of these realms; each higher inner body being finer than the previous one.
“Be also aware that your true Divine essence is that known as Vakuna, or Soul, the term you may be most familiar with. This is the unit of awareness you should always tap into to become aware of that which lies deep within you. This is the ‘body’ that will allow you to perceive unveiled truth, knowledge, wisdom and freedom.
“Also be aware of Behlub! He is that entity whom I have created to always deter you; to trap you. His job is to prevent you from reaching the High Worlds of AHO. He does his job well, setting little traps and illusions all throughout eternity. He has mastered his craft well.
“You must seek out those who can show you how to avoid or work through the illusions of Behlub. One such is the Mahavana, the true Inner Master of the High Worlds, who has been sent down below the highest to assist man in his journey back home. Seek his inner form, that known as the Mahavana, for though his outer is present as well, it is the inner bond you must cultivate.
“To assist the seeker further, there is established among all the worlds of all the universes three high orders, from which all else are offshoots. First and foremost is that known as URO — the Universal Royal Order. These are the messengers of AHO. They work silently throughout the universes maintaining universal balance.
“Their task is to keep the worlds from being totally destroyed, until the great age has passed, and all the lower worlds are again put to sleep to be recycled once again, and the Divine Drama begins anew — the memory of the previous one wiped from the mental bodies of all those dwelling in the lower worlds.
“The Universal Royal Order have the highest charge. They do not interfere with the tasks of the other sacred orders, or of the dictates and actions of the Mahavana, though they answer to no one save AHO. They are Silent Keepers of the Universes of AHO, and have dominion throughout all in existence.
“The Order of Paterno is that which is known as the Male Masters of ESCANA, and the Order of Maphora is that which is known as the Female Masters of ESCANA. Do not be deceived into thinking one order is greater than the other. In the lower worlds distinction is made that there are two sexes — male and female. Each represents a part of the All. Those below these orders, those known as the common man, or rather, the evolving seeker, do not yet have this balance and wholeness developed within their own being, which is why they are seekers.
“The members of these two orders are, in fact, whole. They have reached, and always maintain, that state of balance. They are, in the inner worlds, neither male NOR female. They are the One. It is these beings you should become aware of, as you need to. For they shall not be discussed here.
“You will know, as you become more attuned, when yet another seeker has reached this high level, for all the worlds cry out in joy as another brother (we use this term generically, it also refers to sisters!) joins the High Orders of AHO.
“There is little else for you to know at this moment. Practice the LUNDA, the presence of the Mahavana, for He is as close to you as your very breath. Have no other above Him. If there is any allegiance to be given in the lower worlds, it is to Him, and He alone. He is the Chosen One Whose charge it is to carry the Sword of AHO into and through all the lower worlds, to cut through the dross and illusion of Behlub, bringing the Light and Sound into every corner of the lower worlds.
“Go now, my son, and be the seeker. You are the chosen one. The one among many who will directly assist in the Divine Mission of the Mahavana. Do your part. Pay heed to those who will assist you. Chant the Holy AHO when you need insight. In your darkest moments of despair know that I am always there with you. Know that my servant, the Mahavana is there with you also.
“Know that any suffering you bear is to make you stronger, that you may serve AHO better. Know that as you suffer, AHO suffers, as do all those of the true Spiritual Orders of AHO.”
* * *
The light dimmed, from the bright white it had been as I was taking in the Truth of the YOURN, back to that pure golden yellow. It was as if the YOURN were receiving yet more truths from the Divine AHO.
I backed away from the platform, and exited the room. As I passed through the unblocked doorway, so much of what I had learned in that room was wiped from my conscious mind. Yet somehow, somewhere deep inside my being I knew I could always retrieve that which I needed to know, in the blink of an eye.
As I again became aware of where I was, in that fantastic land of PLURBY, I found myself not inside the Temple, but outside the door, facing away from the Temple. My hand reached into my pocket to retrieve the sacred crystal I had carried with me during my short stay here. I placed it gently into the silver chalice to my right, which is to the left of the door, and walked down the steps.
My three, dear, friends were waiting for me. Yerba, Dromba and Seffia were there to greet me as my feet set upon the ground of PLURBY. They all hugged me and smiled wide smiles of joy. These were three of the most endearing people I had ever met. I could only guess at the intimate bond created between us, or of the journeys and adventures we had yet to share.
We walked only a few feet from the temple stairs, my head held high with the knowledge of the awesome mission I had accepted to perform, and of all the truths I had been availed this day in ROMEGA, the Golden Temple of Eternal Truth in CENTRIA, the central city of PLURBY.
I thanked my three friends for their support, and with that, I was once again returned to my physical body, only moments before the alarm sounded, intruding on my private reverie. I resented this abrupt ending and recall back to physical consciousness. Another day of work yet to begin.
How much longer would I have to go through the motions of playing out this charade called living? How much longer would it be before the world recognized my greatness? Ah, I remembered! The illusions of Behlub had already begun.
* * *
“Always there is AHO, that which is known as the Almighty High One, who is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. There is no other higher and all that exists is merely a reflection of AHO. No-thing can exist outside of AHO, for all are part of IT. These parts are as much the whole, if only each would come to recognize this within their own being.
“Each individual has the freedom to act as they so desire but only when they seek within and act from the Golden Heart — from the true essence of Creativity, or Spirit. There are no restrictions on any individual, save those he puts on himself. Be always aware of those who would set up guidelines for you to follow and make you a sheep, instead of a true individual. Act only from within your own center.”
* * *
So read the words of the Holy YOURN — the Sacred Book of Eternal Truth and Wisdom. How I had come to this city of GROTZ, I did not know. I sensed the presence of my friends, Yerba, Dromba and Seffia. There were also others, whose presence and beingness I felt, but whose physical forms I could not see.
“We are in the Temple of PRIMAD, located high up in the Bhagi Shin Mountains, the Summit of Light. This is one of the highest points on our island, and on the planet, at this time,” Yerba began.
“This temple,” he continue, “is one of our most ancient and sacred holy places, for it is here that our beginnings really happened. GROTZ is one of our outermost cities, lying just on the fringes of the island of PLURBY. It is a sacred city, sometimes considered even more sacred than any other, for located high up here in the Bhagi Shin mountain ranges are the Sacred Mines of Quares — the origin of your present-day word quarry, which means ‘mine’, a place where stones are taken from for use.”
There was a quiet here that was deafening to my ear. I began to hear high-pitched sounds in both my ears — a ringing that was almost unbearable. “This sound you hear is your own inner vibration, which you sometimes cannot hear in the hustle and bustle of your daily life,” spoke Dromba.
“It is the recognition of this sound within you that is a big step toward reaching your goal of total awareness,” he continued. “The sound is prevalent here, because it is the primal energy in this physical world, from which all things come and to which all things will return, on their journey back to AHO.”
“The sound is the creator of all that is below the high worlds of AHO, and the light is the manifestor of materiality. Recognition of both are necessary for the trek to continue, for both are tools — each needing the other.”
The sound began to change in my ears, to a low-pitched hum, almost. I heard choruses coming from somewhere — beautiful melodies bringing back to my mind memories of far-off places I had once been.
“These melodies you hear are the Melodies of AHO that are ever-present for all to partake of. Your spiritual ears have been opened in this holy place to allow you to hear that which is always present, but which you have been unaware of until this moment. Deep within your being, you know it is always there, awaiting your own, personal recognition.”
We began to move from this sacred chamber, and stepping back slightly, I could see the solid gold podium on which this portion of the YOURN rested. As we stepped back I could see the light that emanated from the book, filling the room. There was no other source of light anywhere in the room. It was the YOURN, ITself, which provided all the light so that I, the seeker, could see that which I needed to see.
And yet, there was something even more striking. Something beyond the light, behind the light. It was the sound. I could SEE the sound, as it emanated from the very pages of the book. It was no regular book as I knew them to be, rather a book whose pages were never turned, but whose truths were revealed to the pure seeker whose heart had been cleansed of all impurities. The YOURN, it appeared, knew just what each seeker needed to see and hear, and that was what IT allowed to be seen and felt by the seeker who approached.
“Love is the prime motivating and underlying force in our lives, and throughout all eternity. It exists in all aspects and in every facet and lies beneath the surface of every facet. It is the root motivation in all things.
“When you are in life, you are often too close to see it. Step back and away, sometimes, so that you may gain perspective. It is the distance from a thing that gives you perspective, like seeing the world from a mountain top — you gain some perspective, or sense, of the whole of a village down below. Whereas, when you are in the city beneath the mountain, you can scarcely perceive the whole of it; you are too involved in the parts.”
The words came as if from the very ethers to be impressed on my mind.
As we left the physical building of the temple, Dromba reminded me to deposit the Temple Crystal I had in my pocket in the receptacle to my right, as we exited the building. I had almost forgotten the crystal was even in my pocket.
“As you recall,” Seffia began, “Upon entering any of our Sacred Temples, you take a crystal from the bucket provided on your right, as you reach the landing just outside the door. These crystals are unique to the particular temple you are visiting. You place this crystal in your pocket, generally your right, or hold it in your right hand. The crystal helps to cleanse all impurities from your being, and opens up your Spiritual Eye to behold the truths that are here for you to experience.
“These crystals are more sacred than any others, except the Birth-Crystal, which we’ll tell you about shortly. They are part of the land, the city, the temple. In fact, they are a very part of the Sacred YOURN, whose wisdom you have beheld.”
“I must say,” I began, “I’m a little confused about all you are telling me. I mean, it all seems so strange to me. All this stuff about crystals. I really don’t know anything about crystals. I must have missed that period of popular interest back in my waking world. Can you tell me some more about them?”
Yerba, Dromba and Seffia laughed together, as Yerba began, “Of course! This topic of crystals is one of our most important subjects to know about. It is at the very core of our society, and our beingness. Every child in PLURBY knows of what we will now tell you, and perhaps, after you have heard this information, you will be able to share it with others of your world.”
“I sure hope so,” I said, in my eagerness. “I’m having a great time here.”
The three beings smirked, and I realized the immaturity of my remark. Here I was being availed the truth and wisdom of the ages, and all I could think of was my little self — the pleasures of the mind and body. I laughed to myself. There is so much to learn!!!
“This city,” Seffia began, “is the home of the CRYSALANA, the Order of the Sacred Crystals. It is mostly a female order, and one that I am most familiar with, since I was once a member of that Order, until I learned that my true mission lay elsewhere, though one can never really leave behind the upbringing they have had from birth. And so, I still feel as much a part of CRYSALANA now as I did over seven garn ago.”
I was aghast at her statement. It was only in that instant I realized her age was probably well over a hundred years! Amazing! She looked no older than late twenties, maybe early thirties. She smiled at me as these thoughts traveled through my mind. She continued speaking.
“Eons ago, before there was such a thing as you recognize as recorded ‘time’, there existed upon planet Earth, millions of varieties of non-human lifeforms such as the trees, herbs, animals, fishes and birds. There also existed a form of life not commonly regarded as a lifeform and that is the various minerals that exist on this planet. The very air and water were alive, as was the very earth, and the stones.
“Living high above the Earth Plane, in a much finer realm of vibration, are millions of different life-forms — many of which are unable to descend directly into the physical because of the lower vibrations existing here. Of these many diverse non-human lifeforms, there is a certain order of beings that had a special fondness for this planet.
“This order wanted very much to descend down to the physical, and experience the physical world of Earth. They were allowed this opportunity, for a limited duration. Earth was a planet rich in the bounties of nature. All lived in harmony and balance — using only what was needed for life, returning more than was taken from the planet.
“As the epochs progressed, the vibrations here became less and less subtle, more coarse, until finally, these high beings were unable to live here anymore in their present form. Seven of the twelve decided they wanted to stay, to help usher in the period of human life, and so they chose to be incarnated into the form of seven, distinct, and very powerful crystals.
“Each of the seven crystals is unique, though each expresses the fullness of the truth of AHO, though from a different viewpoint. Of the twelve, five remained in the higher realms, awaiting a time when they might again descend into the physical to once again enjoy the pleasures and insights available here.
“Earth was still young in measurement of time and evolution. It had not yet reached even its teenage year, when the humanoid forms appeared on the planet. There are many theories as to how humans actually came to be on this planet, though we won’t get into that discussion at this moment.
“PLURBY was, and still is, a very special island. Existing in what you know as the central Atlantic ocean region, both our location, and diverse climate structure, was ideal for the incarnation of the seven spiritual beings, who became embodied in seven sacred crystals. Coincidentally, out of these seven distinct sacred crystals arose the seven holy cities of PLURBY — each being a reflection of one of the seven crystals.
“Although the city of GROTZ is known as the mining city, the place where most of our crystals come from, each city has a special area where these pure crystals exist in a relatively plentiful supply. The Order of CRYSALANA is one of our more ancient orders, and has, as its basis, the in-depth study of the truth, wisdom and freedom as offered through the crystals.
“Each city’s whole consciousness is presided over by the single crystal that is more predominant in that city. The PRIMAD crystal is the single most important of the sacred crystals, for it is the PRIMAD crystal that allows us to see all things, from all perspectives. Each of the other sacred crystals allows us a clear, unique single viewpoint of the whole. And like fine paintings, you do not rush up to these great beings, or the crystals representative of them, to gain the truths they will freely impart to you.
“These seven sacred crystals have amazing powers — powers that your present-day world has not even conceived could exist. I’ll tell you about some of them now. First and foremost is the ability to impart awarenesses to the individuals who are tuned into the different crystals. This means, when one has a crystal in their possession, in order to make use of the powers of the crystal, one must become attuned to the subtle instruction the crystal offers. Do not ever take the crystals for granted nor abuse their power. We’ll give you more on this later.
“Crystals have been known for millions of years as great healers. When used by a one so trained in this art, virtually every ailment of the physical body, including regeneration of body parts, can be accomplished. Also, in certain ailments, various crystals are able to provide a limitless supply of energy that is inexpensive, if money is a concern, pollution free and non-toxic to the atmosphere and lifeforms.
“I personally find the most interesting quality of these crystals is their ability to actually reproduce themselves. This is a most fascinating feat, for it is not in the way you would think. Since the crystal is one, it has no other, no counterpart with which it can reproduce by traditional sexual means. It also does not reproduce by any form of budding or asexual reproduction. In fact, it is a form of replication by transmuting other stones into like-kindness.
“This is accomplished by the crystal aligning with a stone that wishes to become like the crystal. Through a mystical process which is unknown even to us, the pure crystal has the ability to transmute, or change, the basic elements of the undefined stone, into being just like itself. So, any particular stone of any kind can become an exact copy of one of the seven sacred crystals, if that is the desire of both the crystal and the stone.”
I asked, in a very doubting way, “You mean, these stones can actually change other stones to be like themselves? This sounds pretty strange to me. I mean, I don’t know much about stones, and practically nothing about crystals. Why are you telling me all this, anyway?”
“It is your mission,” Seffia continued, “to seek out your own crystal. Since you are not native to PLURBY, and we have accepted you as one of our own, you must find your own birth-crystal to be your companion throughout the remainder of your life. You may seek for it anywhere. It is imperative that you find such a stone.
“In the event a person isn’t born here in PLURBY, then each must seek out their own unique Life-Crystal which is similar to the Birth-Crystal, except it is acquired after birth. It may act in the same way as the Birth-Crystal, and it is possible to have both types of crystals as personal guides and tools, or even more than one Life-Crystal, although if you have found the right one, that is all you need.”
“Ah,” I said, “this all seems so strange to me. Why would I want to spend all this effort looking for some stone that I need to have?”
“Crystals are unlike any other type of rocks, or stones, that exist on the planet. Even in their raw state, they possess tremendous powers for the one who knows how to tap into them. Among the many thousands of types of crystals available for healing, insight and energy, the seven sacred, or Master Crystals, are the most prized, for they represent the primal creation of the crystalline kingdom. The PRIMAD, of course, was the primary crystal — and the most powerful. Seek IT, above all.”
* * *
I was tired from all this talk. This was information I had never known before, and could never have even dreamed of in my imagination. I wondered about all this. I didn’t know anything about crystals, and couldn’t really imagine, at this point in my exploration, why they were putting so much emphasis on crystals.
“Come,” said Yerba. “Let us show you around GROTZ a little, that you may begin to appreciate the value of the sacred crystals — and all crystals, for that matter. We’ll visit the Plane of WASU where much of the crystal reproduction occurs. It’s a slow process, so you won’t actually be able to see the transmutation of seemingly ordinary stones into pure crystals, but you’ll begin to get a feeling for the significance of the crystal.”
With that, an air-shuttle bus appeared in front of us and lowered itself onto the alabaster roadway. I hadn’t noticed we must have walked many miles from the base of the Bhagi Shin mountains, for I could see them in the distance, and was at a good vantage point to almost see the peaks of these mighty giants. Almost twelve miles above sea level, the peaks were so high up, they were way beyond the clouds. They seemed to touch the sun in their attempts to reach the very heavens.
“The Bhagi Shin,” Yerba continued, “were a likely place for the Order of CRYSALANA to start from, since the peaks are so high, the descension from the high spiritual planes was not so far down near the surface. Up in the peaks, the air is clearer and purer. The vibrations allow for little interference from the myriad thought-forms existent closer to the surface of the planet.
“Up in the peaks, the Temples of Eternal Truth allow for deep contemplation, and many meaningful experiences to occur. They are my favorite vacation spot. We’ll come back here again, so you can savor their royal beauty before we leave this day.”
I entered the bus and took a seat about three rows back from where I thought the driver might have been. But there was no driver! Not even a robot to drive the unit. It seemed that all one had to do was enter the shuttle, and the Emo-sensor, a very advanced type of computer, could just sense where you wanted to go. All you had to do was think of a place in PLURBY that you wanted to go, and the shuttle took you there, in what seemed like lightning speed.
We barely had time to say a few words to each other, before the shuttle lowered itself into a barren looking area. Not quite a desert, but not a forest, either. I exited the bus along with Yerba, Dromba and Seffia. The door closed behind us and the shuttle whisked away. I wondered how it would know to come back for us. I certainly didn’t want to get stranded out here in the middle of nowhere!
“Oh, don’t worry,” said Dromba. “Anytime we need the shuttle to return, all we need to do is summon it and it will be here. They’ve got them working pretty good now, don’t they, Yerba?” Yerba just smiled, nodding his head in agreement.
* * *
The place we were in seemed to be at the base of the world. Just moments before I was standing atop the world, now I appeared in its belly. It wasn’t very hot here, but it was dead-silent. Not a sound to be heard, except an almost haunting wind that shook through my whole being. I felt at peace here, as if this were where I had come from, once upon a time.
“The Plane of WASU,” Seffia said, flatly. “Look around you. There is an abundance of life, though not to the naked eye. Look beyond the vision of your mind, and you will see that life abounds here.”
I tried real hard, but I just couldn’t make anything out. “I don’t know. I’m trying, but all I see is a vast plane, with nothing moving on it. No life that I can detect.”
Then, Seffia turned to Dromba and said, “Alright, Drombi-baby, give him the key to see the reality.” I was puzzled. Dromba looked at Seffia with a stern look. He so hated to be toyed with, especially by a woman. It was so apparent. Seffia enjoyed teasing him. It was a way to break him down, that he might see the joy in life, and not just his mission, which consumed him totally.
Dromba handed me a clear crystal sphere, about the size of a golf ball. I extended my right hand, and he gently placed the ball into it. I could feel the energy pulsing from the stone as my hand began to close around it. I placed the crystal up to the spot between my eyes. It’s a place I’ve come to know as the Tisra Til, or the third eye. Some say it’s the Seat of Soul, the place of imagination.
I don’t know why I did this at the moment. It was a compulsion. Anyway, I held the crystal there a moment, closing my eyes and chanting the sacred AHO, that I had learned to do. The others joined in. It was most enjoyable. The four of us chanting the Holy AHO, in the middle of nowhere. Yet I felt not alone. It was as if millions of others were present with me here, joining me in my quest.
The chanting stopped after a few moments. I paused with my eyes closed a moment longer and then opened them. My three guides were still there, but where I had previously seen only a vast field, almost like desert, I could see the energy of literally billions of life forms. Darting across the plains, extending up into the air hundreds of feet, I saw streaks of colours that dazzled my eyes.
It was more spectacular than any aurora borealis I had ever seen. Even those magicians in Hollywood had never created anything as incredible as this. Colours I had only imagined were darting back and forth across the planes. I stilled my mind after a moment, and began to actually hear the sounds emanating from the very lights that flickered all around us.
“The sound you hear is the sound of creation. All around us, life is being created. This is the Plane of Wasu, the plane of physical creation. Out there, in that vastness are being created, as we watch, the many billions of crystals that will serve mankind through the ages. Every crystal that CAN be has its seeds planted out there.”
Fascinating! I was aghast with what I saw. Although I couldn’t see any actual crystals, I could almost feel them being created. I was at one with the life force that so totally permeated this area. I wanted to stay here forever. Here was where life was being created. Here was where all that mattered existed. I was at home. I had reached the end of my journey, I thought. I started to walk toward the Plains in an effort to find the very stone I was seeking.
“NO!” stated Dromba. “You must not enter into the Plane of Wasu! It is a sacred area, where no human may set foot. It is forbidden by AHO. Your very physical essence would be so transformed, you would not be as you are. It is a place where no man goes. We may only marvel at the wonder of creation, but we may not intrude in this ageless tradition.”
I abided by the request of Dromba, for I knew what he said was truth. But how did I know that? I don’t know. Gosh, so much for me to learn. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to complete the mission set before me.
“Come my friends,” said Yerba. “It is time for a small repast. Let us visit Rotuba, where our young novice guest can sample some of our culinary delights.”
“I’ll go for that,” Seffia replied. “I’m so tired of cooking. You know, this place we’re going to is known throughout PLURBY for its extraordinary cuisine which uses a lot of rare herbs and other secret ingredients. I’ve never been able to get the head chef to divulge any of his recipes to me.”
“Before we eat, I’d like to take you to a little place I know that you might find interesting. Ah, here it is!”
* * *
I looked up and saw a sign that said: “MOLLY’S ORGANIC CRYSTAL SHOPPE.” It was funny to me. The place was small, about fifteen feet across. As we opened the door I heard a bell tingle, alerting the owner someone was entering.
We walked into the little entryway and from the back, somewhere, I heard a female voice call out, “I’ll be with you in a moment, Yerba. Hang on!”
I wondered how she knew who was there — she hadn’t yet come out to check. In a few moments, before I even had a chance to look around, a rather buxom woman of about 40 came out from behind a curtain that separated the back and front rooms.
She wiped her hands on her multicolored apron and, smiling widely, gingerly approached us. She hugged Yerba tightly, as if she hadn’t seen him in many years.
“Yerba,” she said. “Let me look at you! Why, you haven’t changed in six garn! You look as youthful now as when you first became King. And Seffia, how long has it been? How are your kids? And that husband of yours?”
“Oh, they’re all great. I believe they are on holiday in Biolla this month while I’m travelling with my friends here.”
“And Dromba,” she said with a smirk, hugging and kissing him. I could feel Dromba’s uncomfortableness at these gestures. “Still as stiff as ever!” She laughed. “Well, maybe I’ve got a crystal that can help you, kind of loosen up a bit, you know!”
All four laughed. They seemed like a family of brothers and sisters — like they had known each other for eternity. I actually felt quite at home myself — not like an outsider. “And who’s this fine young man?” she queried. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before!”
“Molly,” began Yerba. “This is David. He’s come from a future-moment on Earth to study with us. We’re giving him the grand tour of GROTZ today.”
“Well, lucky thing you happened in here NOW! I’ve got some wonderful things to show you.” As she approached to hug me, I felt a tremendous warmth fill the air, a love of eternity. I also smelled a fragrance unlike any other I had ever smelled before. I was drawn into it.
“Elaqua,” she said. “How do you like it?” Berone down the block has just created it, but it’s not yet available for public distribution.”
“Yes,” Seffia said. “It’s quite incredible. I can feel the love she has put into this new creation!”
“But come,” said Molly. “You aren’t here to talk about my perfume or to talk of old times together. There’s work to do. Let’s go back here — into the workshop. That’s where I’m doing some really amazing things!”
We walked past the curtain that separated the tiny outer public area and as we passed through it, my eyes beheld a huge, brightly lit room measuring perhaps a hundred-by-a-hundred. Quite sizeable, actually. I could see several dozen tables — some with glass domes, others with cloth cages and covering.
“This is where the magic happens — back here! I’m working on a technique to speed up the crystal generation process, while not losing any of the essence of the original crystals. By the way, Yerba, Banofa was in last week. He asked about you.”
Banofa, I later learned, is a friend of Yerba’s who lives on the planet Nattra. They had trained together some years before at Macinto, where Yerba studied inter-galactic diplomacy and other similar matters.
“Funny thing, though. He wanted me to develop a crystal for him that has more than a hundred times the normal energy capacity as these Graltz crystals. He said something about a long trip! Oh, yeah. He sends his regards, too. I told him he was mad. It couldn’t be done! That table over there is where I started the project!” She laughed.
“Well,” said Seffia, “if anyone can do it, I know YOU can!”
“Actually,” Molly replied, “I’ll let you in a little secret. It’s almost completed. I just wanted to tease him a bit. I guess he knew though. I could sense the laughter in his soul as he left. Sometimes he’s such a stuffed shirt, you know what I mean David?” She looked deeply into my eyes. “So, let’s go over here.”
We went to a table that had a purple tablecloth on it and I saw five trays covered by a glass dome. “These are Charng crystals,” Molly began. “I’m refining a technique to enable the Master Crystal to transform other stones, at a faster rate so we can meet the great demand for pure crystals both in PLURBY and elsewhere in the universe.”
“Yes,” said Seffia. “Molly is known not only PLURBY but throughout the galaxy. She has patrons who come here from places whose names I can’t even pronounce. Her reputation is as impeccable as her crystals are flawless.”
“Why thank you, my dear. You know,” Molly said respectfully, “I feel the work I do here is very important and has a far-reaching effect that I am unable to comprehend. It is an art-craft that has been passed down in my family for many generations. Each successive generation builds on the knowledge from the previous one. So, actually, much of what I know and use is the great living legacy I have been so fortunate to have inherited.
“It’s been rather a difficult task. There are certain intrinsic factors in all things, and it is virtually impossible to copy most things. These intrinsic factors are not possible to create. SO, the saying that only AHO can create something is, in its essence, quite correct.
“One can make a reasonable facsimile of something, but there is definitely a difference between an organically derived vitamin, let’s say, and one made synthetically in a laboratory. This is why, in general, food cannot really be manufactured. We must rely on the natural product and bounties of nature.
“Here, in my crystal laboratory, I’ve been granted some very special tools to allow the crystals that are helped into beingness here to be exactly like the parent crystal. All I’m doing is helping the process to speed up a little.
“You might even wonder why nature would need any help at all. Well, she really doesn’t. It’s just that our demand for crystals has become so great, we have spent much effort in this area of helping to parent many more crystals rather than to mine them from the Earth.
“This is also why the Sacred Mines in the Bhagi Shin mountain range are only used for seed crystals. And the Plane of Wasu is farmed, but only when the completed crystals have been ‘pushed’ outside the outer perimeter. This is accomplished by the parent crystals that actually reside within the Plane. As the crystals are created, or in some other way formed, they reach a completed stage beyond which further alignment with the parent would not be necessary.
“These ‘offspring’ have become exact replicas of the parents, and it would be impossible to tell them apart. Soon after the state of completion, the children are pushed out of the nest, so to speak, and we find these eager new beings, embodied in the form of crystals, outside the perimeter, ready to serve their purpose in eternity.
“The Plane of Wasu provides most of the Birth-Crystals and virtually all of the Energy Generators, except those that we are able to help along outside the Plane of Wasu. Each crystal offered from the Plane of Wasu is of the purest and most powerful form.
“Seffia! Have you told the young man about the birth-crystals? I sense from his aura he does not know of this.”
“No,” replied Seffia. “We hadn’t gotten to that subject yet. Why don’t you enlighten him. I think it would be appropriate. As a Daughter of the CRYSALANA yourself, you can avail him of the knowledge he needs to know in this area.”
“Well, young man.” she began. I listened most intently. “When each PLURBIAN is born into this physical world, a birth-crystal is offered the birthing parents. This birth-crystal belongs to the child, and it becomes a faithful companion throughout the life of the individual.
“These birth-crystals are very special, and each will have no other that transcends the significance of the birth-crystal. It becomes your best friend, your way-shower, your confidant. With the aid of the birth-crystal you are assisted in your journey to AHO. Deep insights can come to you.
“The tool is the birth-crystal. How you use the tool becomes the life-long search on the path to total awareness. The birth-crystal, and other crystals, as well, serve merely as the tools to aid us along the journey. It is a private crystal, never to be parted with, until the translation — the crossover into the non-physical realms.
“Each must find and use their own best tools to assist in the journey to self-discovery. There are few tools that work for all — and there is no panacea, or simple, magical answer to cure all problems. The birth-crystal can assist in this area.
“The birth-crystal becomes our essence. It is virtually all we leave behind, other than the love we have generated in the hearts of others. At the moment of our crossing over, as part of the ceremony, the birth-crystal is cast into the waters of the ocean of the south — just on the shores of GROTZ, to merge with the eternal waters of truth and wisdom, that bathe the planet.
“This is certainly one reason a person would want to strive to live only the best and highest lifestyle. The high ethics instilled in the children is carried through to adulthood and into the Golden Years. The birth-crystal becomes all that the person is. To look into the birth-crystal of another, you would know, if you were able to, all that the person is — in all of eternity.”
A shiver ran up and down my spine as I heard these words. All the while she was talking we were walking through the workshop. Although I was listening to her intently, I couldn’t help but look at all the many thousands of crystals that were on all these tables. Some I recognized, but most I didn’t. I must have stared too intently at a table of huge diamonds. Some as large as golf balls.
“Oh, yes,” Molly began. “Diamonds! Well, some people love them, so I do quite a lot of work in this area. They are mostly used for decoration and personal ornamentation. For real permanence, value and usefulness, though, these are my favorites.”
She pointed to a table of crystals, only two of which I thought I recognized. Rubies the size of baseballs, and emeralds even larger. I didn’t recognize any of the other stones.
“Yes, the red ones are what you know as rubies. We call them Renosta. The Emeralds which you are so surprised to see in such a huge size are known as Twika. This table has some of our most prized energy generator crystals. I won’t bother with the names, since they wouldn’t really have any meaning to you at this point in your studies.”
I was overwhelmed by all I had seen and heard. We walked all the way to the farthest corner of the workshop, and on a small table, way in the back, I saw some yellow and orange crystals —totally foreign to me.
“Ah, my latest creations. A new breed of crystals!” She picked up an orange one — translucent, and perfectly formed into a seven-sided figure. Only about an inch in diameter, it was flawless. She placed it in my open right hand, gently closing my palm around it.
“This may help you in your travels. It is my gift to you. It is YOUR Life-Crystal! Try to ‘feel’ the essence of the different crystals as you pass through life. Take control of your own life. If there is anything for you to manipulate, it is only your own, inner universe — your personal space. As you become stronger, your light shines ever-brighter. One day AHO will call upon you and you will become the totally aware —you will be used to your utmost.”
I looked into Molly’s eyes and asked, “How shall I compensate you for this gift?”
“Always exercise control in your dealings, especially with the crystals. They are very powerful tools, that you must treat with kindness and respect. With the aid of the crystals you may set up anchor points, or focus points. Where your attention is, the body follows.
“Begin an eternal dialogue, or personal conversation with AHO. You can do this through the crystals. Have a daily inner dialogue with AHO by coming into harmony with the crystals. In this way they can act as the doorway to the other worlds. Also, hold the vortex you create in this way open for the very best — don’t close it too soon. Hold it open to receive the most love and truth you are able to drink in.
“Be aware of what’s going on with you on every plane of awareness. Try always to unlock the doors that seem closed to you, for beyond them lie ever-more secrets to discover.
“Develop and use your 360 degree viewpoint — that viewpoint, or perspective of total awareness. The crystal can help you to do this, and to gather your personal energy as you travel through life. Remember always the twin aspects of AHO in the lower worlds — the Light and Sound. Both qualities may be studied, and the mysteries revealed to you through the crystal.
“Using crystals, as tools, you can know all. The past and the future become just what they are — only viewpoints of the eternal present. Tune into the crystals. They can be your greatest guide through life, along with the Mahavana, the Inner Master.”
I looked straight into her orange-tinged eyes and smiled in acceptance. As I opened my palm to gaze at the crystal, I was unaware that we had mysteriously been transported directly in front of an eating place — far away from MOLLY’S ORGANIC CRYSTAL SHOPPE... I wondered if it hadn’t all been just a dream. How we had gotten here I really didn’t know at this point. There are so many wonders yet to experience in PLURBY.
* * *
LUKE’S LUNCHEONETTE! I laughed. “Does it surprise you that some of our citizens have such seemingly common-sounding names?” asked Yerba. I both laughed and nodded in agreement. “Well, you know, some of what you will see here is very similar to what you are accustomed to back in your own period. That’s because there is a certain degree of overlap between our two parallel worlds.”
“Come on,” said Seffia, almost pushing us aside. “He’s waiting for us. You can talk later!” I was surprised at her assertiveness, and thought maybe she was just being imbalanced and pushy. Quite the contrary. Her concern was that we must always have utmost respect for the other individual —even if we have to sometimes inconvenience our own situation. In this way, by doing more, and acting selflessly for the other, one gains much more.
Entering the tiny restaurant, we found a table for the four of us. There was only seating for about thirty or so. A sparsely decorated interior, the walls were brightly painted with a light, melon colour. Few paintings hung on the walls, and those I could see were of some far-distant scenes that were unfamiliar to me. But why not! Almost everything in this world was new and unusual to me.
A tall man, about six-feet-three approached our table. He had a wide smile, and I could see almost all of his pearl-white teeth as they glistened in the light. His hair was pure blond, eyes the lightest blue I had ever seen. His skin slightly red and brown together. He was very handsome. “I’m Luke. Welcome to my little place. I call it: Rotuba! Will you allow me to order for you?”
Even though my conscious journeys to PLURBY had been few, to this point, I knew it was the custom to never ask for anything, especially in the area of food. It was not only considered improper, it was almost an insult. The insult was that you doubted that the server knew, instinctively, what you needed to have.
“It would be our pleasure,” I said, “to have you select the meal for us.” I didn’t believe I was saying such nice things to someone I didn’t even know. I guess this world was rubbing off on me.
Luke smiled at me, and I could feel the genuine joy he felt at my statement. I wondered what rare and exotic foods he would bring out. It was not very long before I found out.
“I call these Calche. But perhaps our new guest would recognize them as a sort of quiche dish. I think you’ll find this most extraordinary. I’ve got some items in here that I don’t think anyone else has combined before. Arbina, the herb dealer, just delivered some rare items that he purchased from Fousea, who’s visiting from Gleona.”
I placed my fork into the food to take a piece. As I brought it to my mouth I smelled the most aromatic odor of any food ever. It was hard to imagine, even in my wildest dreams, that almost everything I experienced here was fresh, and new. My senses were constantly kept alive by the tremendous variety of things happening here.
As I placed the food on my tongue, I was not disappointed. The taste was beyond words. I just let out a loud, “MMMMMM.” Luke was certain his food was a smash hit.
“Luke,” said Seffia eagerly. “you must let me have this recipe.”
“Oh, no, your grace. I couldn’t do that. It’s a trade secret, you know. I’m hoping to win the weekly award at this weekend’s Nightly Exhibition.” This was the first I had ever heard about any type of competition. I was surprised.
“Well,” he said, gazing into her bright, shining eyes, almost swallowed up by her wide smile. “For YOU, Seffia, anything. But promise you won’t divulge it until it’s formally presented!”
“Of course, my Dear Luke. Thanks. It’s most kind of you. I’m sure the children will love it.”
We finished eating and said our farewells. I shook Luke’s hand as we exited. His grip was firm. I sensed an inner strength as well, that I wanted to possess within my own being; a surety about life and eternity and his place in the scheme of things. I wondered if I would ever return to this place again.
* * *
“Do not ever be concerned about returning,” said Dromba. I hadn’t heard his deep voice in quite some while, and it startled me as he broke into my private reverie. “There is only the going forward, never the looking back. AHO will provide you with ever-greater wonders as you forge ahead in your pursuit of total awareness. Our link with what we recognize as past is both personal and unique, yet there is always so much more to experience, why re-live scenes over and over?
“Go always deeper into the Heart of AHO, for therein lies the secret to the universe. No other person or thing can give this Divine gift to you. It must be earned every step of the way. Luke is just as much a Divine servant as you or I, and to return here would be going backward. He knows this. That’s why he treats each seeker who enters his little cafe as a Divine Seeker, giving each his very best. His way is through the physical nourishment of the body — so necessary, even to the Divine Seeker who has reached high pinnacles. The body always needs to be cared for.
“Come, there are a few more things we must show you before it is time for you to return to your world.”
Oh, no! I didn’t want to leave this place. The wonders I had beheld so far were so intriguing, I wanted to stay forever. “AH, do not be deluded,” Dromba continued, “by the outer things of life. PLURBY is indeed a fine place to come to, and a fine place to live. But as you delve beneath the surface of our world, you’ll come to know that all that glitters is not gold. There is much inner strife here. Each individual must struggle within themselves to work out the paradoxes offered to each by AHO.
“It is through the interaction with each other that we are best able to accomplish this task, which is so all-important for Spiritual Growth. You must return to the waking world, of which you are so familiar, because you have much to work out there, before you can move on to more sublime arenas. Surely, you wouldn’t deny the telling of what you have learned here from the people of your own period!
“Go back, and in another while you shall return here. There are many wonders for you yet to experience. Remember, we are always here for you. All you need do is focus your attention here, in the Third Eye.” He placed his index finger between my eyebrows. I felt a tingle sensation as he touched me.
“This is where the seat of imagination lies — the lifeblood of Soul. It is where you can always find us — Yerba, Seffia, myself and all those whom you choose to focus on. Go now, my son. And rest peacefully. Have pleasant, meaningful dreams.”
* * *
How fatherly he seemed. I remembered my parents had always said ‘Pleasant Dreams’ to me before I went to sleep. Well, they weren’t always pleasant, but I was beginning to understand the significance of them. The dream symbols were starting to unfold for me, and in this way I was able to have a greater understanding of life.
* * *
Also to: Lari Z; Peggy P; Lottie G; Gail G; Christine C, whose help inspired me to continue my work
And to Joyce W, whose assistance on the inner and outer has been most helpful in bringing this work to physical reality.
And to all those who also added something to inspire me to write:
Suzanne A; Susan A; Antoinette B, Evelyn B; Frieda B; Gloria B; Leonard B; Jack B; Rochelle B; Peter B; Billye B; Steve B; Marty B; Jeffrey B; Laura B; Heather B; Terry C; Jack C; Terri C; Miriam C; Marge C; Ron D; Evelyn E; Florence F; Steven F; Dorothy G; Bonnie G; Carol G; David G; Annette G; Emily G; Michael G; Seymour G; Stacey G; Adam G; Jason G; Mark G; Catherine H; David H; Tedd J; Christine J; Harold K; Marjorie K; Suzanne L; Don; Till M; Dorothy M; Carol M; Rosemary M; Hughette M; E. P. M.; Susan P; Rachel P; Bessie P; Anita R; Michael R; Susan S; Michael S; Charlotte S; Maureen S; Thomas S; Jeanette T; Ariel T; Michael V; Dwight W; Becky W; Lynne Y; Eve Z
and to the literally HUNDREDS of others whose names I have forgotten over the years who have contributed to my learning.
And most of all to JOE and SUZANNE - who taught me how to SEE!
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